GDP/10e Quick File Using Export/Import to Transfer Work
1.From the GDP File menu, click Export Student Data. 2.This screen is a reminder that the Export function on the File menu is used to transfer files from one computer to another computer. However, if a student wishes to upload his/her work to the Instructor Management Site, the Upload button on the GDP Button bar should be used. 3.Click OK to start the transfer process.
GDP/10e Quick File Using Export/Import to Transfer Work 4.The Export dialog box informs you that your export file will be stored on your computer’s hard drive at C:\GDPData under your name. In this example, the name is DianeJohnson, with the extension EXP.
GDP/10e Quick File Using Export/Import to Transfer Work 5.However, you want to store your work on either a floppy drive or a USB drive. Therefore, you should click Browse in the storage location window to identify where you want your export file to be stored. (Or, type in the storage location you wish to use.) In this example, A:\DianeJohnson, with the extension EXP, has been identified. Now click Export. A:\GDPDATA\DianeJohnson.EXP
GDP/10e Quick File Using Export/Import to Transfer Work 6.If you have previously created the.EXP file, this screen will ask if you want to overwrite the existing file. Typically, you should overwrite the file, because updated information is now being placed into the.EXP file. Click Yes on this screen.
GDP/10e Quick File Using Export/Import to Transfer Work 7.Your export file has now been copied to the floppy disk. Take the diskette (or USB drive) to school and place it into the floppy drive slot or connect the USB drive to your school’s computer. On that computer, access GDP and from the File Menu click Import Student Data. 8.The Import dialog box appears, with the student’s export file displayed. If this is the correct file, click Import at the bottom right of the dialog box. Your GDP assignments have now been transferred to your school’s GDP location.
GDP/10e Quick File Using Export/Import to Transfer Work You have just successfully completed the eight steps to transfer your work from your home computer to your school computer. In essence, you can now use your home computer just like you would a computer in your school lab to complete your assignments and build keyboarding speed and accuracy at home. After completing your assignments, you can take your work to school and place it into the GDP program on your school’s computers.