Inquiry Project Pathway By Jackie Coyne
My inquiry project is on how to care for a horse. Riding has been a passion of mine ever since I started a little over a year ago. I have developed a passion and love for horses. As my passion increases, I wanted to learn more about how to care for a horse. I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity.
What is the difference between a boarding facility and boarding at your house?
Source 1 My first website taught me about boarding a horse. I decided to focus on the differences between boarding at home versus at a facility. This website answered that question easily. Obviously, I put this under the boarding section of my website on how to care for a horse. Bibliography: "Facts about Boarding a Horse - Pasture Self Full Boarding - Board a Horse at Stable." Horse Experts Get Help - Training Health for Your Horse - Popular Horse Breeds. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr <
Source 2 For more facts about boarding, I talked to my horse instructor. I learned that at a facility, that there are advantages to make taking care of your horse easier. Some of those advantages are you can have your horse turned out for you and barn helpers can feed your horse for you. This made it into my final project under the boarding section of my website because it taught me more about the advantages of boarding at a facility. Bibliography: Linnea Throckmorton, my horse instructor. Four winds saddle and tack. Got the information on March 24 th. Facts about Boarding a horse.
What equipment will be needed for English riding? Western riding?
Source 3 In this source, I learned about the proper equipment for a horse and a rider. English riding was the main topic of this source. This made it into the section of equipment in my website. Wearing the right clothing and making sure the equipment for your horse is right. If it isn’t anyone could get hurt. BAD!!!! Bibliography: "Women's English Riding Apparel - Gifts for Her." Crazy Horse Tack | English Tall Boots, English Saddles, Ariat Paddock Boots, Riding Apparel - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr <
Source 4 This is where I learned about what is needed for the horse and rider for Western riding. The importance of getting the right equipment is crucial to the safety of the horse and the rider. In my website, this would be under equipment because it answers my question and it explains the riding apparel needed. Bibliography: "Horse Tack, Discount Horse Riding Tack, Saddles and Tack For Sale." Horse Tack, Discount Horse Riding Tack, Saddles and Tack For Sale. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr
What are the different styles of riding within English and Western Riding?
Source 5 This source taught me about jumping and about the competitions/shows. Jumping is a form of English riding. This made it onto my website under the riding section because I thought that learning about the different types of riding will broaden my perspective on riding and the different types. Also, I jump in my lessons. Bibliography: "Show jumping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr
Source 6 This is where I learned more about where jumping originated and how it has changed over time. Learning about the origination is still part of riding because riding has changed over time and what it was back then versus now. This made its way into my website because it is a form of English riding and informs people on how this particular form of riding has evolved over time. Bibliography: "SHOW JUMPING." Horse Shows & Horses at Horse Show Central: Horse Breeds. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr <
Source 7 This is where I learned more about dressage. Dressage is a form of English riding. Grand Prix is shown on TV and is well known. This also a very formal version of English riding. Dressage made it into my section of riding on my website because it is another form of English riding and answers my question. Bibliography: "DRESSAGE." Horse Shows & Horses at Horse Show Central: Horse Breeds. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr <
Source 8 This is where I started to explore western riding. I started with western pleasure. I wasn’t sure of anything when it comes to western riding. I specifically caught onto the breeds that compete in the shows based on their level. This went into my website under riding because it is one of the many forms of western riding. Bibliography: "Western PLeasure." Western pleasure. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr <
Source 9 This is where I explored more about the infamous barrel racing. Well known rodeo event explains this form of riding. I learned more about the pattern and how it has changed over the course of time. This is in my website under riding because it is one form of western riding Bibliography: "Barrel racing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr <
Source 10 This is where I learned more about another rodeo event called calf roping. I learned about what the actual event is and how the competitions work. Of course this is under the riding section of my website because it is yet another form of western riding. Bibliography: Calf roping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr <