Audio Engineering With Creative Sin Studios BY: MICHAEL DIIANNI
Approaches to recording Audio –DAW’s (Digital Audio Workstations) –Analog Consoles –Reel to Reel Recording Medium –Four Track Recorder –Tape Recorder
Analog Vs. Digital Analog (Multitrack) Analog recording is based on a continuous stream of audio providing a warm feel. This has been used since 1943 and is still preferred by many today. This method requires a multitrack device such as the Alesis HD 24. DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) Digital Recording offers audio in a sampled format at an affordable cost. Combination of software and hardware is needed for this system to work. This is the recording of the future as most, if not all recording that is to be massed produced will make its way into the digital world at some point in the process.
Microphone Types Dynamic Condenser (48V D.C) Ribbon HPZ (High Pressure Zone) Type Voltage Required Uses DynamicNone Live sound/Recording Condenser48 VDCRecording Ribbon48VDCRadio/Recording HPZ48VDCRecording Piano
Microphone Polar Patterns Polarity PhasingPatterns Unidirectional Bidirectional Omnidirectional Cardioid Figure 8 HPZ (High Pressure Zone) Supercardioid Hypercardioid Subcardioid
Wave Lengths High Frequency Instruments that have high frequencies: –Violin –Viola –Guitar –Flute –Trumpet Low Frequency Instruments that have low frequencies: –Electric Bass –Cello –Timpani –Oboe –Tuba
Fletcher Munson Curve The Fletcher Munson Curve is based on the individuals hearing capabilities. The frequency range for human hearing is between 20 hertz and 20 Kilohertz!
Avid Pro Tools Pro Tools is an industry standard for audio engineering. Its an integrated system of hardware and software. This is a DAW system that is affordable and used by most professional studios.
Solid State Logic Analog Console Solid State Logic is used by many large recording studios with large budgets. Even though the audio is recorded through analog systems such as this, they will eventually make there way to a pro tools system before it is finalized.
Audio Engineering With Creative Sin Studios BY: MICHAEL DIIANNI