Bureaucracy and President’s Cabinet
What is Bureaucracy? An efficient and effective way to organize people to do work There is a hierarchy, job specialization and formalized rules
Presidential Bureaucracy One person cannot run an entire country themselves, hence the executive branch bureaucracy you looked at yesterday One area we will look at is the Cabinet which is part of the Executive Departments
The President’s Cabinet An informal advisory body Comprised of the heads of 15 executive departments President appoints each of these 15 people who are confirmed by the Senate –Usually members of Pres. Party –Usually integral during recent campaign –Qualifications and experience always considered as well
Current Cabinet Vice President of the United States Joseph R. Biden Department of State Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton Department of the TreasurySecretary Timothy F. Geithner Department of DefenseSecretary Leon E. Panetta Department of JusticeAttorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. Department of the InteriorSecretary Kenneth L. Salazar Department of AgricultureSecretary Thomas J. Vilsack Department of CommerceSecretary John E. Bryson Department of LaborSecretary Hilda L. Solis Department of Health and Human ServicesSecretary Kathleen Sebelius Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentSecretary Shaun L.S. Donovan Department of TransportationSecretary Ray LaHood Department of EnergySecretary Steven Chu Department of EducationSecretary Arne Duncan Department of Veterans AffairsSecretary Eric K. Shinseki Department of Homeland SecuritySecretary Janet A. Napolitano
Your Cabinet You will now begin work on your personal cabinet assignment You are only allowed to apply to one college, your number 1 choice. Either you get in or you don’t. No backup. Getting into this college is the most import thing in your life up to this point. It will directly shape your future in more ways than one. It will affect your future career, have a direct impact on how people think about you and possibly shape the future of society. You only get one shot of getting into this school and you need to impress the Board of Directors who will decide if you will be admitted or not. You have 6 months to prepare for your meeting with the Board. You will be assessed on the following items: A written essay A speech on “What makes you the best candidate for this college” An interview on your opinions about controversial topics such as Gay Marriage, Legalizing Marijuana and the Death Penalty. Creativity (one specific field in Fine Arts) Your contributions to society thus far: including local, national, and global levels; this requires letters of recommendation Your physical fitness: are you in the best physical shape you can be in; including no drug or alcohol use Your physical appearance; do you have good hygiene, dress appropriately, look your very best at all times. Your manners, etiquette, behavior and knowledge of acceptable behaviors in a variety of cultures. This includes no questionable website postings or pictures on Facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc. The good news is you don’t have to do all of this work alone. You get some help. You can choose your own Cabinet. The assignment: Choose a total of six people that you would want to advise you on these assessments. Of course the final decisions on how you conduct all the assessments are up to you, but decide on the six people that would be the most help to your college entrance. In a creative way Name the six people (you may include a picture) Explain in detail why you chose each person and your relationship to them, if any Explain in detail the qualities and/or talents they have that will help with you with {a} specific assessment(s)