Training on the new occupational classification: the Italian experience Francesca Gallo, Barbara Lorè Istat- Servizio Formazione e Lavoro
Target groups Interviewers employed in the surveys carried out by Istat, in which occupational information are collected All the offices who are centrally or locally involved in the population census activities LFS interviewers (300 capi and 100 cati). This is the most complete training experience so to this event we will make reference in the following Each of them has been addressed a one-day training
The training needs identification We got these hints from different sources of information: the daily exchanges we have with interviewers by phone or by in order to support them in difficult encoding cases. the periodical debriefing that we usually have with interviewers the continuous monitoring activity aimed at checking and assessing the quality of the interviewers’ encoding work, which highlighted two main sources of inaccuracy information collected by interviewers is sometimes too generic or refers to something different from the occupation there were some topics of the classification that were not enough understood
Training goals 1.give information on changes in the classification structure and contents the main changes in the classification criteria within some major groups; the most complex job families; occupational units which have been reclassified, removed or introduced for the first time; the new tool to look up a code on the new Classification of occupation (Navigator of the 2011 Classification); the consistencies rules introduced between occupation, professional status and economic activity. 2.improve the encoding outcomes quality get practice in applying knowledge get practice in using the Navigator of the 2011 Classification identify bad practices and share good practices in collecting and encoding occupational information
Methods and tools: the theoretical session Presentation CP11: what changes from CP2001. The topic will be addressed in cluster of occupations. Use of Posters (to reinforce learning) Key words identifying Major groups of occupations Basic concepts on occupations Tools Slides Expectation At the end of this module, interviewers should have acquired the information they need to properly code occupation. Work on knowledge Acquire notions
theoretical session’s topics Entrepreneurs of “small” and “big” enterprises Entrepreneurs, shopkeepers and self-employed craftsmen Process control technicians (3rd major group) and plant and machine operators (8th major group) Supervisors versus supervised Personal care workers Teaching occupations Neighbouring major groups (the rationale)
Methods and tools: the practical session Aim: to apply the acquired knowledge in order to improve the encoding quality 1° exercise - Work in pairs and simulate the interview - Script for the respondent containing relevant, irrelevant and misleading pieces of information - Come up with the right code 2° exercise - Work in pairs on a given generic answer to occupation - Identify the questions to get more detail information in order to come up with the correct and unique code Select the relevant information Get practice with the Navigator of 2011CP Understand that a generic answer can lead to different right code depending on the type of answers collected
Exercises on different paths starting from generic the answer ‘ I deal with statistics’ to the final code First question First answer Second question Second answer Final code (national classification) Where? At university or elsewhere? At University What role do you play? I am a Professor Professor I am a Researcher Researcher Elsewhere Which are your tasks/duties? Develop statistical concepts, theories, operational models and techniques Statistician Assist Statisticians in planning and performing statistical analysis Statistical associate professionals Collect data Survey and market research interviewers Clerical tasks Data entry clerks Statistical clerks
Sharing best practices session Work on the skills Work in groups Detect the key elements that make a coding tough rather than easy. List them in a poster. The trainer will make a summary. Acquire the method -Take the right time to get sufficient information -Motivate the respondent on the importance of his/her answers -Raise the right questions to incomplete information -Select the key information to match the classification criteria Best practices
Follow-up activities a debriefing at the end of the first quarter 2011 LFS a short questionnaire aimed at collecting information on: 1. difficulties in understanding some specific classification criteria 2. difficulties in searching out some particular occupational codes using the Navigator of the 2011 Classification a test to self-evaluate their knowledge of the classification