What is the Message of this Propaganda poster ?
Learning Objective; to understand how women were mobilised During the first and second world wars. Learning Outcome; by the end of the lesson you will be able to Explain the need for women to work in less traditional roles during Wartime.
Source A – A VAD volunteer describes her experiences after the First World War Looking back at my time as a VAD in hospital, I think that it was the happiest time I ever spent, for it was all so worthwhile. The men who suffered did so because of their terrible heroism, not just because they had pneumonia or had been run over in the street. And no matter how tired one was, what terrible things one had to do, it was worthwhile to work until one could work no longer. Lesson 9
Source B – A recruitment poster for the WAAC The women’s Auxiliary Army Corps was set up in January It took over many of The office jobs in the Army, Which freed the men to fight Lesson 9
WRAF The Women’s Royal Air Force was set up in Women did not Fly the planes or fight Instead, they carried out routine office and Domestic duties.
WRNS The Women’s Royal Naval Service was set up in Women did not go to sea or Flight as with the army, they Took over office duties.
YouTube - Women During WW1 Women were not only encouraged to join the services, someone had to take over the jobs that the men left behind. Watch the short film, what jobs are the women doing?
Area of Work Women in 1914 Women in 1918 Women replacing men Metals170,000594,000195,000 Chemicals40,000104,00035,000 Food and drink 196,000235,00060,000 Timber44,00079,00023,000 Transport18,000117,00042,000 Government2,000225,000197,000 Source C - A table showing the work of women during the First World War from B. Walsh, Modern World History, Murray, 1996, p77., Lesson 9
Task What can we learn from source A about VADs? Study source B. how does the poster get across its message? Study source C. in which area of work was there the greatest change?