KSAA TREASURY ANNUAL REPORT 2009 Warm Welcoming from National Treasury Department Apology from the KSAA Treasurer’s (Mabior Deng). Thanks to States Treasurers, states representatives and KSAA members Congratulation to National Committee members for their assistance in dealing with issues pertaining in the Treasury Department
KSAA FINANCIAL REPORT 2009 Balance on KSAA National Account as on is $36, and this included $10, from awareness project funding and excluded $5, wrongly deposited in SA Account KSAA National Account balance remained as on is $24, Loan amount recover during 2009 is $10, Outstanding principal members loan, States loan and unpaid contribution, plus interest is $25,022.36
KSA States Total NSW$1,000.00$3, , , , , VIC $ , , ACT$1,120.00$ , , , , SA$1,830.00$1, , , , , , QLD$1,670.00$1, , , , , WA$0.00$1, , , , , TAS$240.00$ Total$5,860.00$8, , , , , , KSAA ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION Presented by Thuch Bul
KSA Balance Sheet as at the 29/12/09 Amount in dollars Bank (cash)$36, Cash at hand$ Loan Receivable$18, KSA Cups$ Subtotal$55, Add Interest Receivable on Loan$6, Total$61, Less Grant Accommodation Fee$2, Less KSA Creditor$1, Total KSA Financial Position$57, KSAA BALANCE SHEET Presented by: Thuch Bul
KSA Balance Sheet as at the 29/12/09 Amount in dollars Bank (cash)$36, Cash at hand$1, Annual Contribution Receivable 2009$5, Loan Receivable$18, KSA Cups$ Subtotal$61, Add Interest Receivable on Loan$6, Total$67, Less Grant Accommodation Fee$2, Less KSA Creditor$1, Total KSA Financial Position$64, KSAA BALANCE SHEET; INCLUDING 2009 ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION Presented by: Thuch Bior
My T-Cent Experience/Reminder We lack trust and live on perceptions of other individuals We have forget the simplest principle of obligation and duty of care to our association Talk straight means open, regular, honest and constructive two way communication ( negotiation) Speak positively of others and respect each other’s differences
How do we do this? tell it like it is, with empathy and respect communicate freely while mindful of the impact have no hidden agendas are courageous in our pursuit of truth stand up for what we believe in
My T-cents Future Predictions Our financial position will be strong if good spirit of trust and unity still exist We will be capable to educate young generation and empower them to deal with local and global challenges. Provide insurance back home to our farmers, businesses and individual in case of disastrous event. Own what I would call a Kongor public own assets, own by its people and services them.