Research Opportunities
Now: Research Opportunity Program (ROP) 299 Northrop Frye Scholarship (BIO150Y1) Career Center: Job Shadow/Externship Volunteering
ROP (299) What is it? How do I apply? How do I improve my chances? Requirements and Restrictions What to expect Pros and Cons
What is it? Credit course Assist/ participate in research project Pay fees
Evaluation: Journal 2 Reports + Poster No Exam!!
Restrictions and Requirements: 2 nd year ( 4-8 credits) Limit of 5 applications Sign Contract
How do I apply? Choose the Project(s) Fill in Application Form Send to by deadline Interview
How do I improve my chances: Contact Prof. ( or in person) Attach Resume & Cover Letter Find out more (department & lab website) Attend Poster Session
What to Expect: Immersion in Research Setting Committment Lab Meetings Long hours (& weekends) Papers to Read
Pros & Cons: Small Class Setting No Exam!! One on One Gain Research Experience Possibility of a publication Networking Long hours Getting Along Nature of Research
Tips on Contacting Profs: Put yourself in their shoes Keep it brief! Most appreciate honesty (beware of the claims you make)
Upper years: Independent Experiential Study Program (399) (March, Arts and Science website) Independent Research Project (498, 499) Various Field, Lab & Upper Year Courses
Upper Years (Paid Options): Work Study (only OSAP students, apply Sep.- Oct, Career Center Website) Summer Studentships (Sick Kids, etc) (apply Jan.-Feb.) NSERC, USRA (Undergraduate Student Research Award)--dates depend on department Summer Jobs
Things to Consider: Numerous opportunities available--do some research! Think beyond U of T/Toronto Funding available for travel and conferences, … (DEEF, VUSAC, etc)
Things to Consider (Con’d): *Applications are time consuming! Make sure you complete them well in advance of deadlines & have sufficient time for proofreading!! **Start Working on your resume and cover letters now!!! ***Allow 10 days for official transcripts!! ****Ask prior to, and notify your references! Give ample time for reference letters (at least 2 weeks)!
Resources: Career Center & Website -Resume and cover letter workshops -Mock interviews -Alumni Database Departmental Websites Connections
Resume Consultation Wednesday, Feb 2 nd (11-1pm) Reading Room (BG) ***During the VOCA pancake brunch!