In Service Day January 11, 2013
Further reflections on my perspective, vision, and goals Update on Construction Next Steps as a Campus
The Selection PROCESS Opportunity to focus on most important values Accreditation Visit to Porterville Our Progress Leadership and Organizational Culture
Student engagement and success are critical Making a difference in the lives of students Effectively serving a diverse student body Disaggregating the data AND doing something about it 85% of CHC Students reach THEIR goals Balancing the “scorecard” with our own internal measures
Counseling Learning Community Political Science English Fine Arts Science CIS Sociology Public Safety Health PE Student Government Club Tutoring Library Math CHC Critical Thinking Interpersonal Communication Society Info Lit Ethics Language
CD/CHC/About%20CHC/Research%20and%20Pl anning/Research%20Reports/Other%20Research %20Studies/1011_CHC_Equity_Report(2).ashx CD/CHC/About%20CHC/Research%20and%20Pl anning/Research%20Reports/Other%20Research %20Studies/1011_CHC_Equity_Report(2).ashx
Quality and content of programs and services Academic Rigor Accurate Information Meaningful services Trying new things and continuous improvement Be revolutionaries Celebrate accomplishments and learning
Open, honest dialogue really matters Transparent Collaborative Evidence-based Each individual is valuable Inclusiveness Respect and accountability Challenge bureaucracy We’ve made progress!!
Next Great Shake Out? SLO Rubric? Performance Evaluation?
Input Four meetings 20 s from the website 8 regular s Principles Fiscal responsibility Meeting program needs Serving students Long term effects on campus
Information Review Campus Input Construction Budget Spreadsheet FTEs by discipline Facilities Master Plan Update Pros and Cons for each project
Current Status Submitted a proposal with recommendations to the Chancellor and VC Fiscal in mid-December Doing additional “homework” per their request regarding growth and budget
Student Success Initiative Robust dialogue throughout Spring Solid Plan by end of Spring Fall “Event” for parents and kids Construction Advocacy and decision Determine implementation
Continue to work on our cultural shift Let me know what’s working and what’s not in terms of communication Resource Development and Grants Summer Session Foundation Board Alumni
Organizational Structure Budget Development for Accreditation Subcommittees
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead “All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” ― Martin Luther King, Jr. “Let's make a dent in the universe.” — Steve Jobs