Alex Chee Daniel LaBare Mike Oster John Spann Bryan Unbangluang Collaborative Document Sharing In Conjunction With
2 What is Document Sharing? Many people in different places working together on the most recent files
3 Scenario Alex and Bryan are working together to create a report and presentation. Alex needs to reference information within Bryan’s document, which is still in development. Problem: –How do both Alex and Bryan work with the most up-to-date versions of each other’s files at the same time?
4 Current Solutions Distribute copies via , CD, USB Flash Drive, etc. Set up a LAN or VPN for offsite access 3rd Party –Subversion –FolderShare –TubesNow –BeInSync
5 Drawbacks Conflicts File Size Limitations Complex Setup and Interface Limited by Locality Centralized Storage Other 3rd Party Solutions –Limitations on transfers/number of folders –Not meant for collaboration
6 Project Goals Conflict Prevention No File or Total Shared Size Limit Connect with anyone, anywhere Decentralized Storage Ease of Use
7 What is a Team? A group of People sharing a Folder and all of its contents over the internet
How it Works Alex BryanMike
Our Solution Conflict Prevention –Utilize a Check-in/Check-out Model –Only a single Up-To-Date version across all team member computers
10 Our Solution Peer-to-Peer File Distribution –Cost Effective and Easy to Maintain –Local Storage of files only
11 Scenario Revisited How would solve Alex and Bryan’s problems?
Use Case Alex and Bryan are members of the same team Bryan checks in his latest changes to the Report Alex receives the changes and updates the presentation and checks them in
Desktop Features Synchronize local files –Seamless and effortless Check-in/Check-out model –Allows for offline editing –Prevents file conflicts
14 Web Features Website –Check-in, Check-out, Delete –Remote Download ThinkFree - –3rd Party Web Based Document Viewer –Allows Microsoft Office Documents to be displayed within a website
Remote Downloads Danny BryanAlexMike
16 Why Cost Effective Easy Maintenance Automatic Synchronization Windows Integration
17 Future Plans Firewall Support Improve Security Status Icons in Windows Explorer Native Mac and Linux Support Web-based Uploads Version Control ThinkFree Editing
18 What We Needed Ruby on Rails Windows Platform SDK Windows COM ATL
19 What We Learned Team Communication is Difficult –The Importance of WRITTEN Documentations and Specifications Resource Distribution and Time Management The Value of Source Code Version Control
20 Thanks Corporate Sponsor - –Bernd Christiansen –Albert Alexandrov Professors and TA –Tevfik Bultan –Rich Wolski –Chris Coakley
Network Overview Alex BryanMike
Remote Downloads Danny BryanAlexMike