Video Games Are Good For You By: Zakaria Algahaim 8B
For example, Call of Duty, Mass Effect, and N.O.V.A 3 can improve your vision, and mostly all shooting games(Gallagher, Danny). They help you see further, closer and make you see much clearer than ever before. Like when their is a evil guy in the corner, you have to look closer to see him then shoot him. Did you know that video games improve your vision?
This reasons will make your parents to buy any game for you. They are: Pain and Brain Reliever, Aging Process, and Learning. Video games are good for you for many reasons.
Playing video games on systems like Wii, can help remove pain(Guirshi, Drew). It can also help dyslexic kids read and think better in school. Pain and Brain Reliever
Video games can also help you slow down your aging process(Guirshi, Drew). For example, if a 90 old man played a lot of video games when he was a kid, he might feel like a kid again. Aging Process
Play video games can help you improve your concentration, reading skills, and math skills(Tumbokon, Chacha). For example, Call Of Duty can help you concentrate where are the evil guys, and help your reading skills by reading the words at the bottom. Learning
Kids act more violently every time they play video games(Tumbokon, Chacha). Also, kids can learn explicit language(John, Lavra). Most kids that play violent video games, don’t act violent. Most violent video games don’t have explicit language. Opposite
Pain and brain reliever, aging process, and learning are the reasons why video games are good for you. Conclusion
Pro: Guoshi, Drew. “9 ways video games can actually be good for you.” The huffington post. 1/7/13. 1/20/15. Tumbokon, Chacha. “the positive and negative effects of video games.” Chacha Tumbokon. Unknown. 1/21/15. Gallagher, Dany. “7 healthy benefits of playing video games.” Dany Gallagher. 3/10/13. 1/21/15. Pro Citations
Tumbokon, Chacha. “the positive and negative effects of video games.” Chacha Tumbokon. Unknown. 1/21/15. C, Ragal. “8 ways video games are bad for your health.” Ragal C. 9/19/12. 1/21/15 John, Laura. “6 reasons violent video games are bad for young brains.” Laura John. 6/7/12. 1/21/15 Con Citations
The End Zakaria Algahaim