Marcia Stockham, K-State Libraries, Manhattan, KS Heather Smith-Collins, Washburn University Libraries Topeka, KS KASL Annual Conference 16 Oct 2009
Who we are and what we do Describe the study, results Get feedback from you Discussion / brainstorming Improve collaborations and student outcomes KASL Annual Conference 16 Oct 2009
What happens when student teachers leave college? KASL Annual Conference 16 Oct 2009
To learn whether new education graduates are integrating information literacy concepts into their classrooms To learn about undergraduate perceptions toward future use of information literacy concepts To learn more effective means for academic education librarians in working with undergraduate education students KASL Annual Conference 16 Oct 2009
Axio Listserv Pool of students Responses Assessment Strategy KASL Annual Conference 16 Oct 2009
SLMS perception of new teachers level of IL understanding Typical Comments Depends on the college they come from and the individual They seem to mistake Information Literacy with basic technology skills KASL Annual Conference 16 Oct 2009
Information Literacy Competencies for K-12 students (also called Information Power Standards, Handy 5, Big 6, etc.) include concepts such as: knowing how to access, evaluate and use information in order to become independent learners that allow them to become socially responsible. Are you familiar with these concepts? KASL Annual Conference 16 Oct 2009
39% of the students indicated that the survey was the first time they had heard of Information Power Standards, Big 6, Handy 5, etc. KASL Annual Conference 16 Oct 2009
Do you evaluate information? Do you know how to cite references? KASL Annual Conference 16 Oct 2009
47% of SLMS respondents felt the new graduates had ‘ some idea ’ but only 8% felt they had a ‘ good idea ’ of where to find information. 56% of the students stated they know how to find needed information for college papers and classes frequently ; another 41% said occasionally. KASL Annual Conference 16 Oct 2009
Typical comments Collaboration time is quite limited They (new grads) are focused on “the” unit they are responsible for and have trouble collaborating with me Please encourage them to utilize their librarians We collaborate to a certain extent, but not frequently KASL Annual Conference 16 Oct 2009
Only 25% of the students had actually formulated lesson plans at this point. Expanded answers with examples of lesson plans, or reasons why not. KASL Annual Conference 16 Oct 2009
Examples of comments: Schools have teachers / librarians to teach those skills during weekly library visits It is important, but it is difficult to balance teaching these skills with requirements for the subject area I would hope the English and Social Studies teachers would be the leaders in teaching library skills KASL Annual Conference 16 Oct 2009
School librarian, library, media specialists (majority of answers) Technology teachers, coordinators Local library Search online, internet Fellow teachers, education journals KASL Annual Conference 16 Oct 2009
Students we surveyed indicated they are not well-versed in IL concepts (Handy 5, Big 6) SLMS observation of new graduates corresponded to this finding Students who completed the survey learned about these concepts and indicated wanting to use them in the classroom. KASL Annual Conference 16 Oct 2009