10 commands. To understand the importance of law within religion. To explain the importance of the ten commandments for Christians and Jews.
Why do we need laws? 1.To maintain peace. 2.To provide justice. 3. To protect the public 4. To prevent crime.
Why do we have rules? Do we have to abide by those rules? Does everybody abide by the rules? What happens if we don’t? Is it ever ok to break the law? Should we ever break a rule? If there is a ‘good reason’ for it, is it ever ok to break a rule or the law? Speed through traffic? Steal food? Steal a car? Burgle a house? What if it is to help a stranger? What if it is to help a friend or family member?
Morality Morality is your sense of right and wrong and moral decisions are based on right or wrong actions. Which one is a moral decision and why? Deciding where to go on Friday night Deciding whether to steal.
How do we make moral decisions? Brainstorm ideas about how you make the choice to do right or wrong
The Bible When Christians or Jews want to know how God wants them to live, an obvious place to look is in the teachings of the Bible. Many of the teachings and stories have messages for people to think about and discuss with others. But it is not always that straightforward? Why do you think this is?
The Ten Commandments 1.You shall have no other Gods before me. 2.You shall not worship idols. 3.You shall not misuse the name of the Lord. 4.Keep the Sabbath holy. 5.Honour your father and mother. 6.You shall not murder. 7.You shall not commit adultery. 8.You shall not steal. 9.You shall not lie. 10.You shall not covet (be jealous). Are there any of the Ten Commandments that are out dated? Design a new set of Rules For Living and create at least 5 new rules that would be relevant to society today. What are they? Can you explain why you have chosen some of the new added rules?
Copy out each of the commandments and explain how each of the commandments fit in today’s world. 1.You shall have no other gods before me. Don’t worship other people like they are god. 2.You shall not make for yourself an idol. Don’t Worship things like football clubs.
Why do you think it is important to have rules in religion? What happens if you break a rule in religion? What would happen if people didn’t have rules to show them what to do?