BCQP Check Rides: Initial Qualification and Currency Qualification Examiner Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual update December 2, 2006 Berlin, MA This.


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Presentation transcript:

BCQP Check Rides: Initial Qualification and Currency Qualification Examiner Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual update December 2, 2006 Berlin, MA This presentation will be posted at

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 2 REVIEW QEs  Evaluate a candidate as a team member or leader in stressful situations. A coxswain, for example, holds the ultimate safety of the crew and vessel in their hands.  Evaluate seamanship, specific task/procedure skills  Evaluate future independent performance safely, under USCG policy, and as a USCG representative

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 3 REVIEW The Check Ride… …is the candidate evaluation opportunity

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 4 The Check Ride …  is inherently stressful for the candidate: real capabilities become visible because of training and candidate’s own confidence in the face of evaluation stress.  QEs must observe and let the candidate make decisions….but step in and terminate any evolution that has become unsafe. (The coxswain-of-record is ultimately responsible for safety.)  QEs explain their evaluations, not remain forever silent and only say go/no-go at the end.

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 5 Before Any Check Ride Candidates must truly be ready. Mentors must agree (for initial qualification). The Flotilla Commander must agree (either through personal knowledge or by knowledge of the FSO-MT and/or FSO-OP). Many people are involved with a check ride (facilities, crews, QEs, candidate(s)); it is important to make sure this will be a productive session, and not have to revert to a training session

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 6 Crewmember Initial Qualification  QUESTION: In D1NR, is a QE Review Board (e.g. 2 QEs) required for a Crewmember Initial Qualification? NO. Single QE.

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 7 Prior to the Crewmember Initial Qualification Check Ride  Question: What does the QE ask the candidate BEFORE the crew dockside examination or underway check task starts? (presuming candidate has their Qualification Guide with them, another pre-requisite!)

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 8 Prior to the Crewmember Initial Qualification Check Ride Questions to ask:  Are ALL mentor tasks complete and signed (including TCT task completion, BCM AUX)?  Are ICS-100 and NIMS-700 courses completed?  Does the candidate have the certificate of completion of an authorized boating course so the QE can sign that task (BCM AUX)?

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 9 Crewmember Initial Qualification

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 10 Crewmember Initial Qualification

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 11 Crewmember Initial Qualification

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 12 Crewmember Initial Qualification

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 13 Crewmember Currency  QUESTION: In D1NR, is a QE Review Board (e.g. 2 QEs) required for a Crewmember Currency? NO. Single QE.

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 14 Prior to the Crewmember Currency Check Ride  Question: What does the QE ask the candidate BEFORE the crew currency check ride starts?

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 15 Prior to the Crewmember Currency Check Ride Questions to ask:  Are you currently certified (e.g. not in REYR or REWK), or is this check ride part of fulfilling REYR requirements?  Are ICS-100 and NIMS-700 courses completed?

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 16 Crewmember Currency

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 17 Crewmember Currency

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 18 Crewmember Currency

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 19 Crewmember Currency

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 20 Coxswain Initial Qualification  QUESTION: In D1NR, is a QE Review Board (e.g. 2 QEs) required for a Coxswain Initial Qualification underway checkride? YES. Two QEs evaluate the candidate.

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 21 Prior to the Coxswain Initial Qualification Check Ride  Question: What does the QE ask the candidate BEFORE the coxswain dockside examination or underway check task starts? (presuming candidate has their Qualification Guide with them, another pre-requisite!)

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 22 Prior to the Coxswain Initial Qualification Check Ride Questions to ask:  Is the candidate currently certified as crew: not in REYR, not in REWK?  Does the candidate have evidence of 28 hours underway as crew so the QE can sign that task (COX AUX)?  Are ALL mentor tasks complete and signed?  Are ICS-100, ISC-200, NIMS-700, and NIMS-800 courses completed?  Does the candidate have proof of NavRules completion so the QE can sign that task (COX AUX)?

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 23 Coxswain Initial Qualification

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 24 Coxswain Initial Qualification

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 25 Coxswain Initial Qualification

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 26 Coxswain Initial Qualification

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 27 Coxswain Initial Qualification

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 28 Coxswain Initial Qualification

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 29 Coxswain Currency  QUESTION: In D1NR, is a QE Review Board (e.g. 2 QEs) required for a Coxswain Currency? NO. Single QE.

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 30 Prior to the Coxswain Currency Check Ride  Question: What does the QE ask the candidate BEFORE the coxswain currency check ride starts?

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 31 Prior to the Coxswain Currency Check Ride Questions to ask:  Are you currently certified (e.g. not in REYR or REWK), or is this check ride part of fulfilling REYR requirements?  Are ICS-100, ICS-200, NIMS-700, and NIMS-800 courses completed?

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 32 Coxswain Currency

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 33 Coxswain Currency

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 34 Coxswain Currency

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 35 Coxswain Currency

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 36 Coxswain Currency

December 2, 2006D1NR QE ABCTM updateBCQP Checkrides - 37 Coxswain Currency