The Golden Goblet Vocabulary Chapter 2
aspects Part of speech: noun Definition: appearances
jocular Part of Speech: adjective Definition: joking, playful, funny
irresolute Part of Speech: adjective Definition: uncertain
meander Part of speech: verb Definition: winding and turning
thicket Part of speech:noun Definition: dense group of trees or bushes
papyrus Part of speech: noun Definition: a tall, aquatic plant
crag Part of speech:noun Defintion: steep, rugged cliff or rock
spasmodically Part of speech: adjective Defintion: sudden, jerky movements of muscles
extricate Part of speech: verb Defintion: to release or remove from entanglement
temerity Part of speech: noun Defintion: boldness, daring
unprepossessing Part of speech: adjective Definition: not making a good impression
negligently Part of speech: adjective Definition: in a careless manner
contemptuous Part of speech: adjective Definition: showing disdain or scorn
bewildered Part of speech: verb Definition: confused
fishmonger Part of speech: noun Definition: one who sells fish for food
ingrate Part of speech:noun Definition: ungrateful person
invariable Part of speech: adjective Definition: never changing
vindictively Part of speech: adjective Definition: vicious, mean
reproachful Part of speech: adjective Definition: with an expression of disapproval
deigning Part of speech: verb Definition: to lower oneself
mourner Part of speech: noun Definition: a person who is feeling grief over a death
funerary Part of speech: adjective Definition: of or suitable for a funeral or burial