2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt AMERICA 1 AMERICA 2 AMERICA 3AMERICA 4 AMERICA 5
What historic document was signed in 1776?
What is the Declaration of Independence?
What are the four cardinal directions?
What are: north, south, east and west?
What are the names of the ships Columbus had when he arrived in the Americas?
What are the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria?
Is the United States in the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere?
What is the northern hemisphere?
St. Augustine is the oldest city in the U.S.A. What state is St Augustine in?
What is Florida?
What state is the largest in America?
What is Alaska?
This was the first free African community in the United States.
What is Fort Mose?
What are the Apalachee, Calusa, Tequesta, Timucua, and the Tocobaga?
What are some Native American tribes in Florida?
You often see this on a map.
What is a Compass Rose?
What group arrived in America in 1620 and started a colony at Plymouth?
Who are the Pilgrims?
What is the title of the government leader of a city?
Who is the Mayor?
What is the name of our nation’s capital?
What is Washington, D.C.? ( District of Columbia )
Which president is known as the “Father of Our Country”?
Who is George Washington?
In what century was 1776?
What is the 18 th century?
On a map, the lines of longitude run north-south. In what direction do lines of latitude run?
What are east-west latitude lines?
What line circles the globe halfway between the north pole and the south pole?
What is the equator?
The battles of Ft. Pickens, Olustee, Ft. Brooke, and Natural Bridge were all fought during this war.
What is the Civil War?
The Adams-Onis Treaty shifted ownership of Florida from Spain to…
What is a United States territory?
In 1816 Andrew Jackson invaded Florida and started the…
What are the Seminole Wars?
The Tallahassee bus boycotts of 1956 and the Tallahassee sit-ins are examples of what movement?
What is the Civil Rights Movement?
Tristan de Luna, Jean Ribault, Hernando de Soto, and Ponce de Leon are all explorers.
Who are some explorers that landed in Florida?
I started a school for girls in Daytona Beach in 1904.
Who is Mary McLeod Bethune
I won the Pulitzer Prize for my novel, “The Yearling.”
Who is Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings?
I expanded the Florida East Coast Railroad and built hotels all across the Florida.
Who is Henry Flagler?
My most popular inventions are the phonograph, the light bulb, and the motion picture camera.
Who is Thomas Alva Edison?