Types of Mixtures
Types of Mixtures Salt Water A mixture is an association of two or more substances (elements and/or compounds) that are NOT chemically combined. The components in a mixture have NO set ratio. The components in a mixture are combined either heterogeneously or homogeneously. Homogeneous mixtures are called solutions. the components in a mixture retain their individual properties! 15 g NaCl in 100 g H2O 35 g NaCl Salt Water
Types of Mixtures Solutions are homogeneous mixtures that are composed of different particles that are uniformly distributed throughout the mixture. In a solution, the solute is the substance that is dissolved and the solvent is the substance that does the dissolving. ANY solution in which water is the solvent is called an aqueous solution. ANY solution in which alcohol is the solvent is called a tincture solution. solute solvent
Types of Mixtures Ex.1) The part of a solution present in the greater amount is usually considered to be the ________. Ex.2) Because its composition is the same in all parts, a solution is called a(n) _____________ mixture. Ex.3) In an aqueous solution, ______ is the solvent. Ex.4) An solution is a (1) pure substance (3) mixture with water (2) homogeneous mixture (4) heterogeneous mixture Ex.5) Tincture of iodine is a solution in which the solvent is (1) water (3) mercury (2) iodine (4) alcohol solvent homogeneous water
Types of Mixtures Gas Solutions: Gas solutions are solutions in which solids , liquids, or gases are dissolved in a gas solvent. example: air: (78% nitrogen gas, 21% oxygen gas, 1% argon gas, and trace gases) Liquid Solutions: Liquid solutions are solutions in which solids , liquids, or gases are dissolved in a liquid solvent. example: antifreeze: (ethylene glycol in water); soda: (CO2 in H2O); brine: (NaCl in H2O) When liquids dissolve in each other in all proportions, the liquids are said to be miscible and when they do not dissolve in each other, they are said to be immiscible.
Types of Mixtures Solid Solutions: Solid solutions are solutions in which solids , liquids, or gases are dissolved in a solid solvent. An alloy is a solid solution. An amalgam is an alloy in which mercury is the solvent. example: brass: (Zn in Cu); bronze: (Sn in Cu); solder: (Sn in Pb) Ex.1) If two liquids can mix in any proportion they are said to be (1) immiscible (3) precipitated (2) miscible (4) solvated
Types of Mixtures General Properties of Solutions: (a) Solutions are homogeneous mixtures. (b) Solutions do not separate. The component parts (the solute and solvent) remain uniformly mixed. (c) The component parts (the solute and solvent) retain their own individual properties. (d) Solutions can NOT be separated by filtration. The solute particles in a solution are too small to be trapped by a filter.
Types of Mixtures (e) Solutions are generally clear (transparent). A beam of light passing through a solution cannot be seen because the solute particles are too small to reflect or refract the light. (f) A solution is considered to be in a single phase (that of the solvent), whether solid, liquid, or gas. solution colloid