Napoleonic Wars
War Only Britain was at war continually with France during this time The four Great Powers (Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia) did not fight France simultaneously until 1813 Nations were willing to ally with Napoleon for their own foreign policy benefit After Napoleon conquered Italy, European countries decided they need to defeat him in order for a peaceful Europe
War of the Second Coalition Napoleon had his navy destroyed by England’s Lord Horatio Nelson in the Battle of the Nile – Napoleon and the French army isolated in North Africa Napoleon was victorious in the war, nevertheless, but never conquered England
Treaty of Luneville 1801 Ended the Second Coalition Resulted in Austria’s loss of its Italian possessions German territory on the west bank of the Rhine incorporated into France Russia retreated from western Europe when they saw their ambitions in the Mediterranean blocked by Britain
Peace Interim 1802 Treaty of Amiens with Britain in 1802 – Hoped to increase trade with the Continent – France remained in control of Holland, Austrian Netherlands, and most of Italian peninsula Napoleon reorganized the Confederation of Switzerland Sent large army to Haiti to subdue a slave rebellion Sold Louisiana to US
Empire Period Dec 2, 1804, Napoleon crowned himself hereditary Emperor of France in Notre-Dame Cathedral – Hoped to stop plans of royalists to return the Bourbons to the throne – Napoleon viewed himself as a liberator who freed foreign peoples from their absolute rulers who oppressed them
Grand Empire Beginning in 1805, Napoleon engaged in constant warfare Achieved the largest empire since the Roman times
Satellite Kingdoms Dependant satellite kingdoms (where Napoleon put his appointees to throne) – Spain Brother, Joseph Bonaparte – Westphalia Youngest brother, Jerome Bonaparte – Holland Brother, Louis Bonaparte – Italy Sister, Caroline, Queen of Naples Step son rules Lombardy, Venice, and Papal States
Independent Independent but allied states included – Austria – Prussia – Russia
War of the Third Coalition In 1803, Napoleon began preparations to invade Great Britain In 1805, Austria signed an alliance with Britain Coalition was complete with addition of Russia and Sweden Napoleon’s conquest of Italy convinced Russia and Austria that Napoleon was threat to balance of power
Battle of Trafalgar October 21, 1805 French and Spanish fleets were destroyed by the British Navy under the Command of Lord Horatio Nelson, off the Spanish Coast – Established supremacy of British navy for over a century French invasion of Britain no longer feasible
Battle of Austerlitz December 1805 Alexander I pulled Russian troops out of battle, giving Napoleon another victory Austria accepted large territorial losses in return for peace Third Coalition collapsed Napoleon now master of western and central Europe
Arc de Triumphe In commemoration of his victory, Napoleon commissioned in 1806 Using classical style, the Arc hearkened back to the Roman Empire who built arches to signify victories Napoleon was clearly emphasizing the conquest of an empire
Treaty of Tilsit June 1807 Provisions – Prussia lost half its population in lands to France – Russia accepted Napoleon’s reorganization of western and eastern Europe Height of Napoleon’s success