1 Program Management Systems Committee Kickoff Session February 3, 2010 Program Management Outreach Working Group
2 Highlights Attendance: 23 Individuals; 16 Companies Represented 7 Attending PMSC for the First Time Meeting Purpose: Familiarize New Participants with the Current Objectives of Program Management Systems Committee (PMSC) Introduce the Need for a PM Outreach Working Group Develop a Proposed Charter for the Working Group Outcome: Finalized the Proposed Charter Established Meeting Rhythm Teleconference Once Per Month (3 rd Wed. at 2:00 PM ET) Face-to-Face Meetings Three Times per Year
3 Proposed PM Outreach Working Group Charter Mission: Broaden the focus and membership of the PMSC to influence acquisition policy and share best practices among program management professionals. Objectives: 1.Modify PMSC charter and objectives to reflect broader focus. 2.Promote the formation of additional PMSC working groups to address a range of topics essential to successful program execution. 3.Initiate a campaign to increase program manager participation in PMSC.