1 1.Problem 2.Solution 3.Business Model Your Presentation Title Your logo(or not) Solution 4.Underlying Magic 5.Marketing & Sales 6.Competition 7. Management Team 8. Financial Projections & Key Metrics 9. Current Status & Accomplishments Summarize your slide content here. Think: “So What?”. Only what matters shall be typed. Font: Calibri 20 bold. Color: Pink or flashy blue are my personal favorites. But you can also use black. Detail a bit the slide topic here. Font: Calibri 18 or 20. Color: Black Rectangles in this slide give you lay-out recommendations. When doing your slide, delete them. Bullet points to detail your slide topic, ONLY IF necessary. Don’t put too many bullet points. Keep it simple. To be more creative, use customized points like these ones: Image / Chart / Graph Title. Font: Calibri 16 To change the customized points colors: click right, format shape, fill, change color Below is your PPT structure. Use grey for all parts, expect current slide: use a flashy color.
2 Company name Presentation title Our businesses About usOur businessesOur visionOur solutionWhatever EXAMPLE ONE The blue rectangle shows you the boundaries of your slide: don’t put text, images or graph outside of it. Delete it when you finalize your slide. This rectangle can detail your core message (introduced by the arrow earlier). To avoid excessive bullet Pointing, use circles with nice colors instead. Space for pictures (not too many) Graphics Charts
3 Company name Presentation title Our businesses About usOur businessesOur visionOur solutionWhatever EXAMPLE ONE Use this space to detail your core message. You can either keep the shape (and change the line doing > click right > format shape > line color) Space for pictures (not too many) Graphics Charts Core message. Keep it short ! Space for pictures (not too many) Graphics Charts Bullet points (not too many !)