Is College Worth the Cost? Presented By: Thomas Bishop Sejla Karalic Anzhelika Lyubenko Nathan Grace
Research Criteria Discount Rate: 8% Change in College Tuition: 6.3% (estimated based on public 4 year institution, avg.= $5,492.00) High School $6,588 (cost of raising 1 child) Beginning Salary: $18,326/yr Bachelors Degree $13,903 (cost of raising 1 child) Beginning Salary: $44, 002/yr Annual Standard of Living: 4.1%
Results High School Grad Lifetime earnings: $10,515, Lifetime earnings with 1 child: $10,330, Lifetime cost of child: $184,090.34
Results Bachelors Degree Lifetime earnings: $16,577, Lifetime earnings with 1 child: $16,179, Lifetime cost of child: $398,444.63
Results College graduates with a bachelors degree spend and average of 2.4% of their lifetime income to raise one child. High school graduates spend an average of 1.7% of their lifetime income to raise one child. College graduates with a bachelors degree spend an average of 0.7% more than high school graduates to raise one child. Difference attributed to substitution for inferior goods.
Results High School Net Disposable Income Bachelors Net Disposable Income High School Net Disposable Income with 1 Child Bachelors Net Disposable Income with 1 Child Total$10,515,064.64$16,975,897.54$10,330,974.30$16,577,452.91
Results High School Grad: Starting Salary: $18, Salary (5 years):$26, Bachelors Degree: Starting Salary: $44, Difference in Salary: $17,074.76
Results Percentage Earnings Differentials Total high school earnings/total college earnings = 62% 100%-62%=38% College graduates without children earn 38% more than high school graduates without children College graduates with children earn a little more than 38% percent less than high school graduates without children
Conclusions NOT having children AND completing a bachelors degree would result in $367, of extra disposable income to invest. Other externalities that may affect a person’s decision to attend college exist: performance in high school, family responsibilities, family educational background, loan availability, medical conditions, etc If you receive an 8% rate of return you will see substantial income increases around the age of 42. The cost of college can easily be paid off within the first few years of employment and having a child also does not pose too big of a financial burden.
Conclusions College is definitely worthwhile according to our analysis Overall, we recommend as much education as possible We do not recommend having children
Is it Feasible? Donald Bishop $4,200 in st work year $68,000 in 2008Year 36 $182,395 in 2022Year 49 About 8% yearly increase Consumption: Raised 4 children Investment options Brand new home 5 rental homes Diverse portfolio All things are possible with hard work.