Incorporation of the Bright Futures Program in Rural, KS Dr. Ellen Squire Dr. Michelle Pope Lisa Gagnon RN Preventive Services Improvement Project Learning Session 2 November 11-12, 2011
2 Disclosures We have no relevant financial relationships with the manufacturers of any commercial products and/or provider of commercial services discussed in this CME activity. We do not intend to discuss an unapproved/investigative use of a commercial product/device in their presentation.
3 About HaysMed Pediatric Center Ave. number of visits per year: 15,600 Number of well checks per year: 7,200 We have added providers! 4 full-time and 1 part-time pediatricians 1 part-time physician assistant Only pediatricians for a large referral area
4 Where we started
5 Paper based system, old paper forms Limited anticipatory guidance No standardized developmental screening No standardized autism screening No maternal depression screening No dental screening Great variability between physicians Inconsistent BMI, Wt/Lgth, vision, hearing
6 Initial Barriers and Concerns Physician resistance Nursing/Staff concerns Parental cooperation Paper obligations Insurance/payment concerns Referral agent/agency availability Time!!
7 Our 1st Approach Gradual Progression 2 month and 18 month WCC Concurrent office systems/referral tracking 1-2 forms/month throughout the year with gradual incorporation of Dental, ASQ, MCHAT, etc. Forms Only Previsit Questionairre WCC form
8 Gradual Progression??? February: forms - 2 mo. & 18 mo. Previsit Questionnaire Referral Tracking/CYSHCN tracking Preventative Services Prompting Sheet March: 2 more forms - 9 mo. & 2 yr. Community Resources Update Supplemental Quentionnaires April: 2 more forms - 4 mo. & 6 mo. ASQ May: 2 more forms - 1,2 week & 1 yr. Dental Screening/Fluoride
9 Gradual Progression??? June: All visit forms MCHAT July: All visit forms Maternal Depression August: All visit forms Parental Strengths September/October: Review
10 Our Biggest Barriers Nursing/Staff resistence Perceived “extra work” Referral Tracking Plethora of Paper! Maternal depression/Dental
11 Our Biggest Barriers
12 What Surprised Us It was relatively easy Physicians were a minor barrier Feel like WCC are more complete Little time for supplemental forms Time was the same Brought us together
13 Any changes? Less paper? Strength based approach - cue on form
14 Conclusions We had a great time Learned a lot about our office: physicians, staff, and ancillary agencies Went from doing a good job on WCCs to “pride” in our WCCs