NEW 6 WEEKS…time for a new sheet of paper— Monday, October 1 Copy into your relay section: RULE #1: A quotation begins with a capital letter. Jimmy shouted, “See you at the game!” “What time does it start?" asked Cindy.
Tuesday, October 2 RULE #2: When a quotation is interrupted into two parts with words like “he asked” or “the teacher demanded,” the second part begins with a lower case letter. “What are some of the things,” Mrs. Baskin inquired, “that make school so much fun?” “One thing I like,” replied Sarah, “is recess!”
Wednesday, October 3 RULE #3: When writing dialogue, all punctuation marks at the end of the quotation go inside the quotation marks. “Let's visit the museum,” suggested Samantha. Jon replied, “Didn't we go there last weekend?” “But when we did,” Beth added, “we didn't see the Ancient Egyptian exhibit.”
Thursday, October 4 RULE #4: Do not put a period at the end of a quotation followed by speech tags (things like she said, mom asked, he explained, etc.). Use commas, question marks, or exclamation marks but NOT periods. Periods end sentences! “My math class is driving me crazy!” Paul yelled. “That's my favorite class,” replied Becky.
Friday, October 5 RULE #5: Make a new paragraph (indent) when a different person begins to speak. "Last night, I dreamt that I ate a giant marshmallow!" Kevin said. "Was that anything like the dream you had about eating your way through a mountain of fruit cocktail?" asked Suzy. "Scarier," Kevin explained, “this time I woke up and my pillow was gone."
Tuesday, October 9 Copy into your relay section Alternatives to using the word SAID: QuarreledRagedRecalled GaggedArguedAsked CajoledCroakedJabbered AllegedShriekedReplied PreachedJudgedGrunted GroanedElaboratedCried
Wednesday, October 10 Review your rules from last week and write the following sentences correctly into your relay section. Replace the word said with one of the options from yesterday’s relay note. 1.You know his father finally said every December was exciting to me when I was young. 2.I enjoy the Naming Jonas said. 3.yes she said this talk will be a private one with Jonas.
REFLECT: In Jonas’s community children were not given a job choice. The Elders observed the students during their volunteer hours, which the children were able to begin at age ___, and reviewed their school work to determine which job best suited them. Luckily, that does not happen in our society. You make your own decision. You are also offered help along the way such as the college survey you completed yesterday. Since the community is based on fairness and “sameness” how are occupations and selections fair?
Reread pages Jonas is given his first memory. It is of a wonderful sled ride down a hill on fluffy snow. What figurative language did the author use to describe it? (simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, alliteration, or appeals to the 5 senses)
Thursday, October 11 Correctly write the following sentences: An arrow under it pointed to the front door and said March On In. You must be joking mother said.
Friday, October 11 twist Creative Writing with a twist—you must use dialogue