Editing! – Day 1 of 3 Remember: – ASK – Always Seek Knowledge, if you need something, don’t get something editing, ask questions please! Please pick up an editing sheet on your way in, thank you!
Advisory: Study Hall Day Be working on something: -homework, -writing in your planner, -checking grades, -reading
Productions Announcements -film -edit Iron Horse Week -Who is filming what? What it means to be a Scot Film Anything else???
Pick up your paper from last class, if you did not get one, please pick up a new one Respond to the last questions and turn in back in, think of what you are going to continue to do or what you are going to try to do today As a group complete the film 2 check sheet to make sure you have everything in your film(do this form as a group, at the end have each person do an individual goal) – thank you!
Edit day 2 of 3! Everyone in your group needs to edit If you edited last time, please let someone else edit Everyone should be actively editing to ensure that it is the groups film
Advisory What did you do yesterday with Mrs. Dodds? Did you watch the video announcements? Study Hall Day: – Homework, planners, …. If you have nothing to do there are chores Tomorrow: – Assembly last 60 min. of the day – Classes are 50 min. long Next week: – Half Day for students Tuesday – End of Term Thursday! – We will assess Key Card Goals Wednesday and see where people are at, final cards awarded once grades are finalized the following week – Anything else?
Productions What do we need to edit? – Burning O, Powder Puff Game, etc.? – Who’s filming Iron Horse again….how many cameras do we want to have Sweet Shirts? CAW video HERO video – Can we get the HERO video done in a week or so? Anything else? Please make sure you are doing something to help with productions, our goal as a class is to elevate school culture by having student driven productions(we make everyone at BL look good)