Oxygen binding by myoglobin (Mb)
Since O 2 is a gas, we can replace the concentration [O 2 ] by partial pressure p(O 2 )
Exercise 2: Calculate the slope of the saturation curve at p(O 2 ) = 0. Plot the slope dY/d[p(O 2 )] as a function of p(O 2 ) p(O 2 ) [Torr]Y [%] Exercise 1 Calculate the saturation curve for oxygen binding to myoglobin. Disociation constant of the MbO 2 complex at 37 °C, pH = 7, p = 760 Torr: K d = 2.8 Torr
At p(O 2 ) = 0 Čím silnější afinita mezi Mb a O 2, tím strmější křivka v bodě 0;0
Slope of the saturation curve decreases with p(O 2 )
Saturation curve for hemoglobinu does not correspond to a single reversible reaction Binding of O 2 to one subunit of hemoglobin increases the affinity for O 2 of the other subunits „Cooperative effect“
Cooperativity of oxygen binding by the 4 subunits of hemoglobin: In deoxygenated form, the 4 subunits stabilize mutually the domed conformation. The oxygen affinity of unloaded hemoglobin is smaller than that of individual subunits. Oxygen binding to one subunit of hemoglobin favors the planar form at neighboring subunits fully loaded hemoglobin has an affinity similar to that of an individual subunit.
Effect of CO 2 on oxygen afinity of hemoglobin: „Bohr-Effect“ In muscles, where metabolic activity produces CO 2, amino groups of certains amino acids are transformed to carbamate: The liberated H + protonates histidine residues: At subunit interfaces salt bridges are formed: These salt bridges favor the domed conformation favor O 2 release CO 2 favors release of O 2 which is then taken up by myoglobin
In muscles: High CO 2 concentration favors domed conformation favors O 2 release In bronchi: Low CO 2 concentration favors planar conformation favors O 2 binding