Warming up We live in a world where there is all kinds of animals around us. So let’s play a game “What’s this in English?”


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Presentation transcript:

Warming up We live in a world where there is all kinds of animals around us. So let’s play a game “What’s this in English?”

Polar bear

Milu deer





Tropic fish


K o a l a K o a l a K o a l a



Zebra Antelope

Lesser panda Pangolin 穿山甲

Polar bear Penguin 企鹅

Gorilla 大猩猩 Chimpanzee 黑猩猩 Orangutan 猩猩

Flamingo 红鹤 / 火烈鸟



dolphin 中华白海豚, 是世界濒危物种

Chinese sturgeon 中华鲟

Golden Monkey


red-crowned crane 丹顶鹤 ( 仙鹤 )

What’s the problem of these animals commonly facing? Free talking(3m)

lack of food bad enviroment human beings endless killing ……

There are about 70 after bamboo areas set up to help them grow. Problem: Not enough food: loss of bamboo growing areas. Home in China: Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province. Panda Number after concern:

About 30—60 after being left in peace with no hunting. Problem: Home in China : Baishanzu National Natural Protection Zone, Zhejiang Province. too much hunting in the 1950s. Number after concern: South China tiger

About 500 after brought back from UK. Problem: Disappeared from China. Home in China : Nanhaizi Milu Park, Beijing. milu-deer Number after concern:

Discussion 1.Which animals in these pictures are disappearing in our world? Tiger, elephant, panda, rhino, antelope, red- crowned crane, Milu deer, whale 2.Why are these animals disappearing? That’s because of lack of food, bad environment and enemies.

What do you think we should do to protect wild animals? 1.First we should treat them as our friends. 2.Then we protect the environment in order to let them have enough food and good living conditions. 3. And we collect money to protect the endangered animals.

1. as a result 结果, 因此 ( 只做状语 ) 我非常忙碌, 因此无法照料她. I was very busy. ____________I couldn’t take care of her. As a result

2.die out disappear completely (动,植物 物种)灭绝 This kind of bird is ___________. dying out Many traditional customs __________ because they are out of Date. die away something, especially a sound becomes less strong and then comes to a complete stop 慢慢消失 He hid behind the door until the footsteps _____________. have died out had died away

3.in danger of 处于危险中 The little boy were once ___________ losing his sight. in danger of 4.What other endangered species do you know? ( 动词的过去分词做形容词 ) When shall we sent the __________ papers back to them? corrected The _____________arrival of the letter made us jump with joy. unexpected

5.I believed that you are concerned about animals and plants disappearing. disappearing 是用动词 –ing 形式作 宾语,它前面的 animals 和 plants 是它意义上 的主语,这种意义上的主语常使用名词所有格 和代词宾格的形式。 我不愿意我妹妹去那样一个地方. I don’t like my sister going to such a place. 他父亲是一个著名的科学家,为此他感到很 骄傲。 He’s proud of his father being a famous scientist.

1.He ate some bad fish. __________, he fell ill. 2.Many of the earth’s plants and animals have already ________ and several other species are endangered. 3.The patient was ________ of losing his life and had to be operated on at once. As a result died out in danger