Growing Up Unit 6 Week 2 Day 3
Reinforce the Theme Pages of Living and Growing Some animals need to learn how to survive. What survival skills do these photos remind you of? How are wild animals and pet animals the same? How are they different? Pages of Living and Growing Some animals need to learn how to survive. What survival skills do these photos remind you of? How are wild animals and pet animals the same? How are they different?
Introduce Vocabulary Strategy Similes A simile compares different things. Similes use like or as to help readers visualize the comparison. Page 27 Living and Growing The cars are like nutcrackers. (Cars are being compared to nutcrackers). My plants are as dry as dust. The baby is as loud as a lion. That room smells like a skunk. Similes A simile compares different things. Similes use like or as to help readers visualize the comparison. Page 27 Living and Growing The cars are like nutcrackers. (Cars are being compared to nutcrackers). My plants are as dry as dust. The baby is as loud as a lion. That room smells like a skunk.
Word Work: Phonics /oo/ spelled ou, ui What vowel sound do you hear in soup? Word family uit fr + uit = s + uit = recr + uit= Rob likes soup with croutons on top. Sal likes fruits and juices. /oo/ spelled ou, ui What vowel sound do you hear in soup? Word family uit fr + uit = s + uit = recr + uit= Rob likes soup with croutons on top. Sal likes fruits and juices.
Comprehension Skill: Sequencing Events Sequencing events is putting them in the order they happen, from first to last. Sequencing events can help us better understand a new idea. Page 17 of Living and Growing Put these events in order: Tadpoles form legs and lungs. A frog lays eggs in the water. Frogs live on land and in water. Tadpoles hatch and grow in the water. Sequencing events is putting them in the order they happen, from first to last. Sequencing events can help us better understand a new idea. Page 17 of Living and Growing Put these events in order: Tadpoles form legs and lungs. A frog lays eggs in the water. Frogs live on land and in water. Tadpoles hatch and grow in the water.
Prepare to Read: Charts Charts are used by nonfiction authors to organize information. Page 11 Living and Growing How does the chart help you to understand classifying? Why do you think the author used a chart instead of writing the information in paragraphs? Charts are used by nonfiction authors to organize information. Page 11 Living and Growing How does the chart help you to understand classifying? Why do you think the author used a chart instead of writing the information in paragraphs?
Read Together Reread pages Living and Growing How would you summarize these pages? How did one of the text features help you better understand an animal today? Look back at the photographs. What simile can you think of to tell about one of these photos? Reread pages Living and Growing How would you summarize these pages? How did one of the text features help you better understand an animal today? Look back at the photographs. What simile can you think of to tell about one of these photos?
Word Work High Frequency Words: been, brother, stronger, year Reread Decodable Reader 22: Clare’s Secret Fluency: Practice Pg. 88 “Go Garden” (with expression) High Frequency Words: been, brother, stronger, year Reread Decodable Reader 22: Clare’s Secret Fluency: Practice Pg. 88 “Go Garden” (with expression)
Write Directions: Revise the Model When writers revise, they : Add or change words and details. Rearrange sentences to put the steps in the correct order Delete ideas that don’t help readers understand what to do. Revise and Model 2 on Writing Edit Models Chart page Choose a sunny spot. Shovel soil into a mound that is three feet long. Don’t get dirty. 2. Soft seeds sprout faster, so soak pumkin seeds in water. Let them soak overnigt. 3. Plant five seeds in the soil make sure they are at least six inches apart. When writers revise, they : Add or change words and details. Rearrange sentences to put the steps in the correct order Delete ideas that don’t help readers understand what to do. Revise and Model 2 on Writing Edit Models Chart page Choose a sunny spot. Shovel soil into a mound that is three feet long. Don’t get dirty. 2. Soft seeds sprout faster, so soak pumkin seeds in water. Let them soak overnigt. 3. Plant five seeds in the soil make sure they are at least six inches apart.
Write Directions: Edit the Model Are any words spelled incorrectly? If I’m not sure, I can look words up or ask for help. Next I’ll check punctuation. Do all of the sentences have correct punctuation? Are there any mistakes in capitalization? Use revise and edit model 2 and the editing checklist pg Soft seeds sprout faster, so soak pumkin seeds in water. Let them soak overnigt. 2. Choose a sunny spot. Shovel soil into a mound that is three feet long. Don’t get dirty. 3. Plant five seeds in the soil make sure they are at least six inches apart. Are any words spelled incorrectly? If I’m not sure, I can look words up or ask for help. Next I’ll check punctuation. Do all of the sentences have correct punctuation? Are there any mistakes in capitalization? Use revise and edit model 2 and the editing checklist pg Soft seeds sprout faster, so soak pumkin seeds in water. Let them soak overnigt. 2. Choose a sunny spot. Shovel soil into a mound that is three feet long. Don’t get dirty. 3. Plant five seeds in the soil make sure they are at least six inches apart.