© Focus Education 20141
Overview of Learning Challenges AutumnSpringSummer Year 3 Healthy Living: How can Usain Bolt move so quickly? Rocks: Can you dig it? How did that blossom become an apple?How far can you throw your shadow? Are you attractive enough? The Stone Age: Would you have a mammoth for a pet? Ancient Greece Why has Greece always been in the news? Climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts European Country: Why do so many people choose the Mediterranean for their holidays? Year 4 Sound and Vibrations: Can you hear people shouting from Space? How could you cope without electricity for a day? How would you survive without water?Which wild animals and plants thrive locally? What happens to the food we eat? The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain: What did the Romans do for us? Natural Disasters: What makes the Earth angry? Did Grandad have an iPad?UK city Why is ???????such a cool place to live? 2
Overview of Learning Challenges AutumnSpringSummer Year 5 Can you feel the force? Could you be the next CSI Investigator? Do all animals start life as an egg? Will we ever send another human to the moon? How different will you be when you are as old as your grandparents? Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots: Were the Anglo-Saxons really smashing? I’m a Year 5 pupil, can you get me out of here? Ancient Greece Year 6 How can you light up your life? Could you be the next Nintendo apprentice? Have we always looked like this?What would a journey through your body be like? Could spider-man really exist? Were the Vikings always vicious and victorious? A non-European society that contrasts with British history: Who were the Mayans and what have we learnt from them The water cycle: Will you ever see the water you drink again? South America Why is Brazil in the news again? Why should the rainforests be important to us all? 3
© Focus Education 20144