Science Quiz: Safety
Science Differentiation in action These questions test what you have learnt about: Click the green button to start the quiz. SAFETY Good Luck
Science Differentiation in action The most important part of an experiment is: FUNSAFETY FINDING THE RESULTS Click one coloured button, A, B or C.
Science Differentiation in action Incorrect Experiments can be fun but it is not the most important part. TRY AGAIN Click the red button to return to the question.
Science Differentiation in action Incorrect Finding the result is a useful part of an experiment but it is not the most important. TRY AGAIN Click the red button to return to the question.
Science Differentiation in action Correct Safety is the most important part of an experiment. CONTINUE Click the green button to continue.
Science Differentiation in action A substance that can easily catch fire is: FLAMMABLETOXICHARMFUL Click one coloured button, A, B or C.
Science Differentiation in action Incorrect A substance that can cause sickness or a rash is harmful. TRY AGAIN Click the red button to return to the question.
Science Differentiation in action Incorrect A substance that acts as a poison is toxic. TRY AGAIN Click the red button to return to the question.
Science Differentiation in action Correct A substance that can easily catch fire is flammable. CONTINUE Click the green button to continue.
Science Differentiation in action A substance that can burn through skin is: TOXICCORROSIVEOXIDISING Click one coloured button, A, B or C.
Science Differentiation in action Incorrect An oxidising substance releases a lot of heat in a reaction. TRY AGAIN Click the red button to return to the question.
Science Differentiation in action Incorrect A toxic substance acts as a poison. TRY AGAIN Click the red button to return to the question.
Science Differentiation in action Correct Corrosive substances can burn through material or skin. CONTINUE Click the green button to continue.
Science Differentiation in action A substance that could cause a rash is: TOXICOXIDISINGHARMFUL Click one coloured button, A, B or C.
Science Differentiation in action Incorrect An oxidising substance releases a lot of heat in a reaction. TRY AGAIN Click the red button to return to the question.
Science Differentiation in action Incorrect A toxic substance acts as a poison. TRY AGAIN Click the red button to return to the question.
Science Differentiation in action Correct A harmful substance could cause sickness or a rash CONTINUE Click the green button to continue.
Science Differentiation in action A substance that releases a lot of heat is: CORROSIVEOXIDISINGHARMFUL Click one coloured button, A, B or C.
Science Differentiation in action Incorrect A harmful substance may cause sickness or a rash. TRY AGAIN Click the red button to return to the question.
Science Differentiation in action Incorrect A corrosive substance can burn through material or skin. TRY AGAIN Click the red button to return to the question.
Science Differentiation in action Correct An oxidising substance releases a lot of heat in a reaction. CONTINUE Click the green button to continue.
Science Differentiation in action The symbol for harmful is: Click one coloured button, A, B or C.
Science Differentiation in action Incorrect The symbol for flammable is: TRY AGAIN Click the red button to return to the question.
Science Differentiation in action Incorrect The symbol for toxic is: TRY AGAIN Click the red button to return to the question.
Science Differentiation in action Correct The symbol for harmful is: CONTINUE Click the green button to continue.
Science Differentiation in action Congratulations! You have finished the Quiz.