CRES – 7/2007 Transfer of experience for the development of solar thermal products TRANSOLAR Contract No: EIE/06/107/SI2.446527 Duration:1/11/2006 – 31/10/2008.


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Presentation transcript:

CRES – 7/2007 Transfer of experience for the development of solar thermal products TRANSOLAR Contract No: EIE/06/107/SI Duration:1/11/2006 – 31/10/2008

The project deals with transfer of experience between manufacturers and installers from the well developed solar thermal markets to the least developed. The information to be transferred consists of technical, marketing and policy knowledge. Besides, European standards and Solar Keymark certification scheme will be disseminated. Main theme

 To transfer the manufacturers/installers experience from the most developed European solar thermal markets to the least developed  To disseminate the latest information about European standards, certification schemes (Solar Keymark) and to promote policies for solar thermal market products to the selected target group in these countries  To promote networking and create business links between the most and least developed European markets  Capacity building of national associations of solar thermal manufacturers /installers in order to strengthen their presence in the national and European markets Objectives

Background Key issues to be addressed  Organization of the workshops will provide up to date information with marketing and product development techniques to installers  Business missions will create business links and collaborations between manufacturers  Networking will be enhanced between ESTIF and national associations

Background The project is interesting and relevant because of: Balanced development of the solar thermal market in all EU countries is desirable in order to meet European and national targets

Work Programme Development of tailored made information packages (WP2) – Procedures and references – Technical standards (safety and power quality) – Feed in tariffs and supporting schemes – Best practices/case studies – Net metering issues – Formulation in user – friendly Database for EU27 and candidate countries

Work Programme  Organization of national events and business missions (WP3) – Description of the RES-e and micro-CHP technologies – Interconnection issues – Guidelines for system selection – Safety and power quality standards  Dissemination actions-Development of a project web site(WP4) – Interactive maps and tables – Database queries page – News, links and references WP5: Communication and Dissemination – Organization of 6 National workshops (for the needs and conditions of the small RES-e National markets) – Organization of final European event (for the exchange of experiences and the identification of new national policies)

Expected results Creation of European Database for small systems interconnection issues including: – Supporting schemes – Safety and power quality issues – Procedural and legal issues Through the web site and the events: Homeowners will be informed with the interconnection requirements for their installations Professionals and experts will find up to date data for all the European Union countries for business development or further research Policy makers and regulators will identify new policies and more effective regulatory frameworks

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