Audience Research Presentation
To survey movie going audiences on how and why they consume film.
In what form does the audience watch film? Are there particular groups which determine which type of film they watch? Which form of publicity is most recognised as obtaining audiences?
What does the audience feel is the primary purpose watching film? Do certain groups of audience feel compelled to see a film on the basis of having enjoyed similar genres/contributing factors of previous films.
How do you watch film? (Cinema/Private medium/TV) Who do you usually watch film with? (individually/friends/family) What usually brings a film to your attention? (word and mouth/trailers/posters/web/TV) What is most important about films for you personally? (narrative/spectacle/social activity) Do you decide to see a film because of its similarities to films you have seen before e.g genre/director/cast. Please give details.
Based on the research carried out, I have gathered that