Summary of survey results The results of a survey of Costs Lawyers on the impact of the Jackson Reforms June 2012
The paper-based survey was conducted at the ACL annual conference on 11 th & 12 th May, 2012 Some rounding of figures has been applied for this presentation A total of 137 Costs Lawyers completed the survey The survey has been conducted by Black Letter PR Background
1. What impact do you think the Jackson reforms will have on your practice?
2. What impact do you think the legal aid reforms will have on your practice?
3. Do you intend to change your practice in light of either of these reforms?
3a. If you answered yes to question 3, what change(s) do you intend to make (tick all that apply)?
4. What percentage of your case load come from the following?
5. Over the past 12 months has demand for costs budgeting work...
6. Over the next 12 months, do you expect demand for costs budgeting work to...
7. In three years’ time, do you expect the number of Costs Lawyers to have...
8. Over the next year will you take on any trainees?
9. What common mistakes/misconceptions do solicitors make when dealing with costs (tick all that apply)
10. Have you ever challenged the status and rights of audience of a non-Costs Lawyer opponent before a court?
10a. If yes, what happened? (sample of 14)
10b. If no, it is because (sample of 121)
11. What impact do you think the Jackson reforms will have (tick all that apply)?