Unit 2 News Media “The media shapes your opinion and it’s the biggest influence on the decisions you make.”
Where do you usually get most of your news about what ’ s going on in the world today? television newspapers radio magazines internet(online)
Source of news most trusted when faced with conflicting versions of a story 36% National TV 24% Local TV 15% Newspapers 11% Radio 7% Online 7% None/Don't know Source: RTNDF's American Radio News Audience Survey,
North American and European News Consumption per cent Northern EuropeSouthern Europe Western Europe Canada U.S. Read Newspaper DailyWatch Television News Daily 42%67%42%60%48%22%60%71%70%74%
News on the Internet Go online for news... Question:How often would you say you get news on the Internet? Canada per cent U.S Daily Few times a week Once a week Less often Never 17%10%6%12%55%17%12%10%19%42%