Spring 2012 Mobile App and Services Survey Results Summary
Two versions of the mobile survey were administered Version 1 – accessed from within the Scranton app. Included questions regarding satisfaction with the app. Version 2 – accessed via a link shared in Royal News, in the portal and on posters around campus. Questions regarding knowledge of app, why they do not have the app on their phone, etc.
# Respondents # Completes % Complete Version % Version % Breakdown of Respondents by Survey Version Breakdown of Respondents by Audience
V1-Q1: What is your overall impression of the Scranton mobile app?
V1-Q2: What version of our mobile app do you have?
V1-Q3: How satisfied are you with how quickly the Scranton app loads on your phone?
V1-Q4: Which interface do you find more user friendly?
V2-Q1: Why haven't you downloaded the Scranton mobile app?
V1 & 2: How often do you use each of the following features of our mobile app?? Answer Options:1 – Never2 - Once or twice total3 - About once a month 4 - About once a week5 - More than once a week
V1 & 2: How often do you use each of the following features of our mobile app?? Answer Options:1 – Never2 - Once or twice total3 - About once a month 4 - About once a week5 - More than once a week
V1&2-Q8: How interested are you in each of the new features below that are currently in development?
V1&2-Q11: How interested are you in being able to access each of the following University of Scranton resources from your phone?
V1&2-Q12: Which of the following University of Scranton resources are you MOST interested in accessing from your phone? (Pick your #1 priority)