Rick Conrad, Efrain Lopez III, Saeed Noori
What is Experience Sampling? Survey method People’s experiences Real-time Format Paper and Pencil Handheld devices (i.e. Palm Pilot)
Experience Sampling On the Go Needs Capable of surveying people Capable of gathering any other data possible Goals Easy-to-use Scalable Fast and Reliable Constraints Platform limitations Hardware limitations
Available Programs Experience Sampling Program (Palm OS) 2 modes: automatic and manual Purdue Momentary Assessment Tool (Palm OS) Adds combination mode MyExperience (Windows Mobile) Customizable Multiple input options Not friendly to clients
Alternatives Considered iPod Nano-Linux small and cheap, but generally unavailable hardware & technical barriers iPhone popular platform, but development obstacles Palm OS available projects to build from, but being phased out Windows Mobile project to reference, but not very open to developers
Software Design (Overview) Mobile App Account User Web App Client Create Survey Survey Results
Design Details Mobile App (Android Platform, Java) Interfaces Web App, user, Android components (GPS, etc…) Survey parser Wake-up utility Results creator Web App (PHP, MYSQL, HTML, CSS, HTTP) MA controller Client controller User controller Database Client, User, and Survey tables
Testing Design Validation Survey using all function available for design validation Iterative process (create survey, send to app, take survey, etc…) Additional Testing Find G1-owner volunteers to test app for feedback and polish
Team Management Lead Developer – Rick Conrad contribute to website and mobile app development logistics (managing server, peripheral tasks, etc…) Web App Design – Efrain Lopez develop the website Mobile App Design/Development – Saeed Noori develop the application for Android platform
Task Schedule
Economic Analysis Economic viability need is there no additional cost for Android users Sustainability (costs beyond project phase) updating program maintenance porting to other mobile platforms Project costs $400 – Android Phone $25 – Developer Registration $10 - Shipping
Societal Implications Benefit to Audience Ability to improve lives if used effectively Privacy Only registers users can participate Personal information provided with consent Eventual release Environment Minimal impact because additional hardware not needed