CAREER PORTFOLIO Computer Science Career Information Science Career Student Choice Career BY: MICAH ORBIGOSO SEPTEMBER 3, 2013 STEM, PERIOD 4
Computer Science Career: Multimedia Programmer DEFINITION: Computer science is a discipline that spans theory and practice. It requires thinking and in concrete terms. The study of the principles and use to computers. DESCRIPTION: Multimedia programmer does writing computer programs or creating websites that draw together multimedia features such as text, sound, graphics, digital photography, 2D/3D modeling, animation and video, according to a designer's specification. Multimedia products work on particular 'platforms', predominantly the internet, as well as interactive television, information kiosks, DVDs, CD-ROMs, computer games consoles and mobile phones. INFORMATION FROM: cription.htm cription.htm SKILLS: Interactive/multimedia technology or design/animation; Computer science/software engineering; Mathematics or physics; Engineering or electronics; 3D design or digital art; Graphic design/illustration; Spatial design; Fine/visual art. MORE INFORMATIONS: Salary: Between £30,000 and £50,000.
Information Technology Career: Cloud Computing DEFINITION: The Study Of Design, Development, and Applications. MORE INFORMATION: Education: A bachelor’s degree. Salary: $112,000, making it one of the highest paying IT jobs. DESCRIPTION: Cloud computing security is a broad topic ranging from protecting hardware and platform technologies in the data center to enabling regulatory compliance and defending cloud access through different end-point devices. Information from: c&gclid=CPKOxt_stbkCFQ1gMgodFVQApQ c&gclid=CPKOxt_stbkCFQ1gMgodFVQApQ SKILLS:
Student Choice Career: Obstetrician DEFINITION: Of or relating to childbirth and the processes associated with it. DESCRIPTION: Diagnosing, identifying and treating pregnancy-related problems is the most important duty of an obstetrician. Further, their duties also involve keeping a track of the patient's health during the entire pregnancy period, and advising the patient for better healthcare during those days. Obstetricians also counsel women on birth control methods, and other diseases such as cervical and breast cancer, etc. Explaining all the pregnancy-related tests and discussing the results with them is a task for which they also need good communication skills. An obstetrician is also required to advise patients on the diet they need to follow, besides the physical activities that they need to avoid and also indulge in. Carrying out cesarean sections and many other surgical procedures to make sure the safe delivery of the baby. Read more at Buzzle: description.htmlhttp:// description.html MORE INFORMATION: SALARY: $200,000 to $339,738 per year EDUCATION: Medical training and specialized Postgraduate training. SKILLS: