The 17 th Century: The Golden Age of the Netherlands
4 Reasons They Overthrow Spain 1/ Geography 2/ Wealth 3/ Strategy 4/ Preoccupation of Philip II
Three Key Dates for the Dutch 1/ Union of Utrecht 2/ Philip III recognizes Independence of Northern 7 3/ 1648 Peace of Westphalia Cements Independence
Organization of Netherlands Individual Estates dominated by Oligarchy of Wealthy Merchants - Known as Regents handle all Domestic Affairs Foreign Policy handled by States General, Federal Assembly….but all decisions must be approved by local estates Highest Executive in each Estate= Stadholder Responsible for defense and good order of Province Sons of William Silent Stadholders in all 7 Provinces
Powerful Provinces Holland and Zeeland Why?- Naval strength, Wealth The Hague= Holland’s capital and where States General Meet
Why Government Different? Republican Strong MC values Loose Confederation of Estates
Basis of Political Success Commercial Prosperity
Basis of Commercial Success Thrift Frugality Religious Tolerance All can worship privately as they want Brings in foreign capital and investment Bank of Amsterdam Best source of cheap Credit in Europe (guaranteed by city council) Cornerstone of Economy- Fishing Fishing $ funneled into building up Transport Industry Joint Stock Companies
British and Dutch Exceptionalism Only Two areas of Europe during Period that resist trend towards Absolutism….why? (Look at Commonalities) 1/ Enormity of MC population 2/ Active resistance of Absolutism 3/ Decentralization 4/ Anti Catholic 5/ Large Trade Powers