Strategic Planning “ STEPS FOR SUCCESS” Soror Kendra Gillespie Chapter Retreat August 28, 2010
What is Strategic Planning? It is a leadership tool that will help us focus on long-term achievement by: Setting a realistic - yet “bold” direction for the next 5 years Creating the route we need to follow to align with our International 10-year strategic plan Developing a plan to ensure we accomplish our own Chapter vision *Porter, M. (2008). On Competition. Harvard Business Review. Boston, MA. Strategic planning is a methodical process for creating a ROADMAP for an organization to follow, with the intended purpose of INCREASING its POTENTIAL.*
Key Benefits Provides CONTINUITY of operations MINIMIZES duplication of effort Opportunity for members to COMMUNICATE and BETTER UNDERSTAND the direction of the organization Allows organizations to STEP AWAY from day-to-day matters Serves as guide for SUCCESSION PLANNING Identifies and allocates RESOURCES needed to reach goals
Key Components Mission Guiding Principles Execution Measurement Vision Objectives Chapter focus is HERE! Objectives (Committee Roles): WHAT will we do to reach our goal(s)? HOW do we support our vision, mission and international program initiatives? Execution (Activity/Action Plans): HOW do we accomplish our goals? WHAT activities are planned? Measurement (Follow-Up): HOW well did we really do? Did we simply “check the box?” What were the key impacts? The “pyramid” of developing strategy is a way of thinking about the interconnection of pieces, beginning at the International level. Goals Goals: WHAT do we want to accomplish or become over the next several years? WHAT should be our priorities?
AKA Vision Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated is the premier unique sisterhood of distinguished professional women united to serve humankind. To capture a vision fair…
AKA Mission The purpose of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, to promote unity and friendship among college women, to study and help alleviate problems concerning girls and women in order to improve their social stature, to maintain a progressive interest in college life, and to be of service to all mankind. (Article II – Purpose) By merit and culture we strive and we do…
AKA Guiding Principles Guiding Principle Definition SISTERHOODOur behavior will cultivate an atmosphere in which women are encouraged to achieve their highest goals, hopes and dreams UNITYOur performance will foster unity and friendship among people of all races, genders, ages, nationalities, religions, and cultural backgrounds HIGH ETHICAL STANDARDS Our members and officers will exemplify high ethical standards CHARACTEROur activities will strengthen character among members and others RESPECTOur organization will encourage mutual respect among all members of the human race COMMUNICATIONOur organization will foster an environment of effective communication HGH SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT Our initiatives will promote, support and encourage high scholastic achievement
AKA Guiding Principles - 2 Guiding Principle Definition LEADERSHIPOur activities will advance the training and development of leaders EDUCATIONOur initiatives will advocate lifelong learning for the people we serve HEALTHOur initiatives will facilitate standards of health to ensure a better quality of life FAMILYOur initiatives will enhance family life ARTSOur initiatives will sustain the arts TECHNOLOGYOur organization will effectively utilize appropriate technologies to continually improve organizational efficiency ECONOMICSOur organization will endorse solid economic practices and economic empowerment And united we’ll forge our way…
Chapter Goals Greater tasks to begin… POSITION FOR GREATER SERVICE Leverage existing talent within Zeta Chi Omega for service STRENGTHEN THE SISTERHOOD Continue the Zeta Chi Omega legacy ENCOURAGE A GREATER SENSE OF COMMUNITY Elevate Zeta Chi Omega’s leadership position within the community 1 2 3
Chapter Objectives Objectives are the critical connections between goals and execution. Solid objectives should stand up to the period of the plan.
Chapter Execution/Measurement Our Activity Plans are the “actualization” of Chapter decisions and activity to support goals and objectives. This includes tasks, resources, and success factors. The plan will also allow us to monitor our progress.
Steps for Success DESIGN Int’l alignment Chapter goals Committee objectives Strategic Map Activity plan development DEVELOP Activity Planning Standards evaluation Strategic Planning Survey Focus groups General member feedback EXECUTE Strategic Plan submission Committee recommendations Monitoring and evaluation Reporting Q1 2010Q Chapter input! The steps below highlight our strategic planning process, listing activities completed, and in progress to-date.
Strategic Planning Survey Today’s survey will examine the many facets of our Chapter – guiding principles, programs, membership and operations. SORORS, don’t simply “check the box!” Let your voice be heard. Your input is CRITICAL in shaping our plan for the next 5 years. So ask yourself… How do YOU want Zeta Chi Omega to be remembered? What should be our “brand” in the community? If you had the opportunity to change one thing to change, what would it be? How can we sustain strong operations? Positive sisterly relations? Engage our members? What new program should we begin? Which ones should we stop?
SUCCESS is just around the corner! SUCCESS is just around the corner! A special thanks to the Strategic Planning Committee: Soror Karyn Berry Soror Hazel Cameron Soror Theresa Emanuel Soror Candace Fields-Rogers Soror Melanie Henderson Soror Stephanie Woodland Kelly