Maryland at Edgerton Channelization Maryland Avenue – Ramsey County Roadway ADT 20,000 plus Maryland/Edgerton Intersection in top 10 Citywide for Crashes 5 year period ending 134 Crashes - # 7 on City Crash mapping database
Maryland at Edgerton Channelization Acquire ROW and widen street to south to allow for construction of left turn lane, new traffic signal, etc Reduce Crashes and Improve Operations Similar to other safety projects White Maryland, Minnehaha Prosperity, Rice, Arkwright (2013) Payne (2014)
Maryland at Edgerton Channelization Ramsey County – Applied for Federal Safety Funds Public Works requesting total of $750,000 in for City Share 50/50 cost split City/County for ROW Acquisition City Share of Construction Cost Widening and ROW Acquisition between Edgerton and Payne completed County plans to proceed with Construction in 2018 or 2019.
Maryland at Edgerton Channelization Maryland/White Bear Crash History Project Constructed 2007
Phalen Mississippi Street Traffic Signal I-35E Cayuga Project to be completed in late 2015 or 2016 New Interchange at Cayuga Section of Phalen Blvd/Pennsylvania Reconstructed
Phalen Mississippi Street Traffic Signal
HealthPartners Neuroscience Building and Parking Ramp Proposed Initial Build Out 128,000 SF Building 680 Parking Spaces Future Build Out 192,000 SF Building 960 Parking Spaces
Phalen Mississippi Street Traffic Signal
Phalen Blvd – Projected ADT 14,400 Mississippi – Projected ADT 7,600 Construct Traffic Signal in 2017 HealthPartners to Contribute $150,000 Requesting $125,000 of MSA Funds to Fund City Share
Phalen Olive Street Traffic Signal Same Background Information as signal at Mississippi Street Phalen Blvd – Projected ADT 14,400 Olive – Projected ADT 3,000 Construct Traffic Signal in 2016 HealthPartners to Contribute $150,000 Requesting $125,000 of MSA Funds to Fund City Share
Safe Route to Schools Plan Development Requesting $100,000 of CIB Funds in 2016 and $100, Plan to pursue additional planning funding from other sources Create/Update Safe Route to School Plans St. Paul Public Schools Private Schools Charter Schools
Safe Route to Schools Plan Development
In past City/School District had robust Safe Routes to School Program Over time, we have fallen behind due to many changes in schools and Public Works staff reductions Missing Opportunity for State, Federal and other Funding for Infrastructure Improvements
Safe Route to Schools Plan Development Requesting $100,000 of CIB Funds in 2016 and $100, Once Plan for Individual schools are established, could then apply for State, Federal and other Funding Sources Incorporate Infrastructure Improvements in City/County/MnDOT Projects
Safe Route to Schools Plan Development Ties into City 8-80 Vitality Program Crossing Improvements benefit entire community Evolve into Citywide Map Associated Education Enforcement Efforts benefit Pedestrians and Bicyclists High School use of Met Transit Buses
Safe Route to Schools Plan Development
Met with School District and they are supportive Letters of Support Transit for Livable Communities Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota Joan Pasiuk St. Paul Smart Trips