Back Next 1 1 How to Survive a Bear Encounter The best way to not have a fatal bear encounter is by taking preventive measure to avoid bears all together. When camping or hiking in the woods, attach a bell to your shoe or bag. Bears that hear you coming will likely flee the area long before your arrival. Also, avoid venturing into dark, unknown caves or large hallow logs, places bears like to make their dens. Additionally, when you go camping, hiking, fishing etc., go with more than two people. Although there are exceptions, most bear attacks happen on individuals or pairs out in the woods. Avoiding Bears
Back Next Surviving Bear Encounters This one seems obvious but is actually the reason many bear encounters prove to be fatal. When you first encounter a bear, you need to be thinking about your life. Leave predatory wildlife photography to the professionals. Don’t take Pictures
Back Next Surviving Bear Encounters Now that you know not to try and capture a picture of the bear, the first and most important step in surviving a bear encounter is to be able to identify whether you’re dealing with a grizzly bear or a black bear. Here are some ways to tell the species apart. Identify the Type of Bear Grizzly bears are light to dark brown. The most distinct difference from black bears is the hump above their shoulders seen in this picture. They reside primarily in CA and in NW United States including WA, ID, MT, ND, SD, and AK Black bears range in color from black to a light blonde. Notice the bear doesn’t have the shoulder hump seen on the grizzly. They are the most common bear in N. America
Back Next Surviving Bear Encounters If you have a gun or bear spray on you, now is the time to use it. Bear spray is a strong pepper spray which will deter bears in most cases. If it doesn’t work or you do not have any, it’s important to remember not to run. Grizzly bears will think that you are prey and will chase you, and unless you can run 30+mph, they will catch you. You should lay down in the fetal position and cover the back of your head. The bear will likely push you around until it confirms you are not a threat and not live prey. Dealing with a Grizzly Bear
Back Next Surviving Bear Encounters When encountered by a black bear, your defensive measure should be very different than on with a grizzly, hence the importance of being able to tell the difference. First, if you have a gun or bear spray use it. Stand your ground, put your hands in the air, and make as much noise as possible. Black bears are less aggressive and may feel attacking you is not worth it if they think you pose a threat. If they do attack, fight back. Use rocks, sticks, your fists, anything you can do. Aim for their face and eyes. And again, remember not to run or climb trees, black bears are better at both than you are. Dealing with a Black Bear
Back Next Surviving Bear Encounters Bear attacks are rare, this post isn’t meant to discourage you from going in the woods. The real point is to prepare you in the unlikely case that it happens to you. In fact, you are more likely to die by being struck by lightning, a dog attack, a spider bite, and the list goes on and on. Here are some statistics about bear attacks in North America. Bear Stats There have been 27 recorded deadly bear encounters that have lead to 29 fatalities since 2000 Black bears require 20,000 calories a day when preparing for hibernation. Dog’s were involved, and likely attracted the bears attention, in more than half of bear attacks over the last decade.
Back Next Surviving Bear Encounters There are 8 species of bears around the world. This includes; Asiatic Bear, Black Bear, Brown Bear, Giant Panda, Polar Bear, Sloth Bear, Spectacled Bear, and the Sun Bear. Koalas (often referred to as “Koala Bears”) actually aren’t in the bear family at all, they are marsupials. A male bear is referred to as a “boar” and the females are “sows”. (Same with pigs!) Polar Bears are the largest land mammal on earth. They stand taller than 11 feet and can weigh over 1,700 lbs! Fun Facts about Bears
Back Next Hope you have learned a bit about bears and what to do when you come across one. Remember to be safe when out in the woods and to use these tactics in the event of a bear encounter. Have a Great Day!