1 Storyboard for Bullying Name:__________________ Class/Group:_____________
2 Home Page Define bullying. Define cyber bullying.
Types of Bullying What are some types of bullying? Examples: 1. Direct bullying - This would be face to face and would include threats, physical abuse, threats of harm. 2. Indirect Bullying or emotional harrassment 3. Cyber Bullying Facebook MySpace Social Networking Sites Text Messaging Cell Phone Camera Pictures IM
4 Profile of a Bully Who are the bullies? Why do they bully?
5 The Targets Who are the targets of bullying and why are they targeted?
6 The Stories Find a story (or tell one from your own experience) that has impacted the way you think about bullying.
7 McDevitt’s Anti-Bullying Policy What can we do at McDevitt to prevent bullying in our school community? How can you get involved?
8 Prevention/Resources Prevention: How can we prevent bullying here and elsewhere? Resources: What resources are available to young adults and teenagers who are faced with bullying issues at home or at school?
9 What Can I Do? What are some steps or strategies that you can use to prevent bullying or if you witness a bullying episode?
Your Page Choice Here Write what you will include for your individual page. This can include videos, links, pictures, interviews, questionnaires, etc.
11 Works Cited List your resources for this project.