Information Resources For a Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Response Operation United States Agency for International Development The Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) May 2015 ReliefWeb is the largest humanitarian information portal Reports, press releases, evaluations, guidelines, assessments, maps and infographics No account necessary
HumanitarianResponse.Info HumanitarianResponse is similar to ReliefWeb but has more tactical humanitarian operation data to help foster coordination during an operation – Data on Clusters, Working Groups, ability to find Meeting Schedules, Meeting Minutes, Maps, Documents, etc. – Account required There is a Civil Military Coordination Working Group.
HumanitarianResponse.Info Account Procedure Verify with link will be sent to your . Login button Enter name and contact information The process to set-up a HumanitarianResponse.Info account will take approximately 10 minutes. Once you have an account you will be able to fully access the various groups and pages on the site.
Humanitarian Data Exchange “HDX” HDX is a repository of raw data (spreadsheets, maps, shape files etc.) from and for HADR professionals participating in a response. HDX is building a database of analytics, with tools for analysis and visualization – Allows users to pull data and analyze as needed – No account necessary Use case: Download the IOM assessment of displacement sites in Nepal 2015 and overlay on a map of JTF 505 AOR
LogCluster Logistics Cluster is responsible for coordination, information management, and- if necessary, logistics service provision Includes maps, timelines, meetings and meeting minutes, situation updates, service requests etc. No account necessary Use Case: Take the Rapid Logistics Report on Roads to understand if routes are passible and if there are security concerns, the weight capacity of the route as well as expected constraints such as rubble, bridges, etc.
APAN The All Partners Access Network (APAN) is an unclassified information sharing and collaboration enterprise. – Can be used for HADR operations, exercises, working groups, or conferences – APAN is most commonly used by the DOD, and less so by the wider community of HADR professionals – No account necessary to view Account only needed to upload, comment, or contribute Click here to join and get full access to site. Process is immediate UN Spider is a repository of imagery. Includes satellite, crowd based maps, and maps with geobased data. – No account necessary – Easy to download images for reports or analysis
Virtual On-Site Operations Coordination Center (VOSOCC) Information exchange between responders for the purpose of coordination in the first phase after major sudden-onset disasters Requires account which can take days You can subscribe to RSS Feed to see the data in lieu of creating an account, though you will not be able to post or comment: 9clvp.html
Center for Excellence Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Information Report which provides a daily analysis of various information sources Country Handbooks provide a baseline of information regarding countries most prone to disasters. A standardized assessment methodology with an operational perspective provides readers a general understanding of a nation's disaster management capability and vulnerability
Quick Links: Nepal Maps: Country information (Updated 2012): Center for Excellence Daily SitRep: ReliefWeb: Humanitarian Data Exchange: HDX: Log Cluster: GeoShape: GeoNode by the Ministry of Home Affairs of Nepal UN Spider (mirror site created for Nepal response because UN-Spider portal was having problems)
USAID OFDA OFDA is responsible for leading and coordinating the U.S. Government’s response to disasters overseas. – Mandate: save lives, alleviate human suffering, and reduce the social and economic impact of disasters worldwide in partnership with USAID functional and regional bureaus and other U.S. Government agencies. For more information