| | Delivering WASH in Fragile States: Double dividends.


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Presentation transcript:

| | Delivering WASH in Fragile States: Double dividends

Source: Kharas and Rogerson Globally poverty has declined sharply in non- fragile states

The WDR did not examine the role of services in peace and state building

WB project ratings in FCS improving … … but are they tackling the drivers of fragility?

The double dividend 4 Supporting sector progress and Building citizen-state relations

States in transition 5 Post crisis or following a peace settlement WASH is a key component of any peace dividend and a basic indicator of state functionality When support from humanitarian actors is waning How to transition to a country-led policy-based development program Sanitation MDG FCAS 18% Non FCAS 35% Sanitation MDG FCAS 18% Non FCAS 35% Water MDG FCAS 33% Non FCAS 57% Water MDG FCAS 33% Non FCAS 57%

6 NATIONAL ACTORS Domestic constituencies ? ACCOUNTABILITY INTERNATION AL ACTORS ACCOUNTABILITY Domestic constituencies The capacity conundrum undermines national and service accountability RELIEF ACTORS ? ?

7 NATIONAL ACTORS Domestic constituencies ACCOUNTABILITY INTERNATION AL ACTORS ACCOUNTABILITY Domestic constituencies Aid should help reconstruct accountability through building national capacity  Relinking service delivery with the political process  … through country systems e.g budget process

Poor stable countries have the strongest service delivery pathways Scorecard rating Strong Weak Enabling services Developing services Sustaining services

Ethiopia – where the RWS sub-sector is doing well TA thro donor projects important for capacity building (WB), innovation (Finland) Core systems: PRSP; block grants; PFM; civil service reform; decentralization

Ethiopia – Hitching rural water supply to core systems Universal Access Plan (UAP) for WSS Sector accessing increasing amount of block grants Common implementation framework for development partners RWS inventories though need to be updated regularly Good targeting of new schemes to unserved population Sector systems Core govern- ment systems National planning process (PRSP) Protection of basic services program channelling funds to local government Reformed budget and expenditure management system Civil service reform and hiring of water sector staff

Politically stable countries got debt relief and system building TA – will fragile states? 1 st wave HIPCs 2 nd wave HIPCs3 rd wave HIPCs Benin Bolivia Burkina Faso Cameroon Ethiopia Ghana Guyana Honduras Madagascar Mali Mauritania Mozambique Nicaragua Niger Rwanda Senegal Tanzania Uganda Zambia Burundi CAR Côte d’Ivoire Comoros DRC Gambia Guinea Guinea-Bissau Haiti Kyrgyz Republic Liberia Malawi Nepal Republic of Congo São Tomé & Príncipe Sierra Leone Togo Chad Eritrea Sudan Somalia HIPCs = Highly Indebted Poor Countries

From a Golden to Complex Era of PRSPs First wave of debt relief ( ) -> Golden Era of PRSPs In low income but stable countries General Budget Support + TA to core systems alongside sector projects + sector TA Leading in best cases to programmatic aid (Uganda, Benin, Ethiopia) – progress result of block grants and sector projects Second wave of debt relief ( ) -> Complex Era of PRSPs Aid dependent fragile states emerging from conflict and crisis Donor side financial crisis, diminishing GBS, sharper immediate results orientation Non Traditional Donors (BRICS, philanthropic orgs, social impact investing, global funds, climate finance) How to work in this new complex environment?

Bringing the state back into WASH service delivery … a part of exiting fragility

Tools for building country-led programs 14

DRC – Resource rich but WASH poor Resource rich country but low access rates (26% rural, 40% urban) Lack of sector coordination and planning Stalled decentralization Existence of many small towns + large villages Ad hoc development of autonomous water schemes No data on services Bad Deal!!

500 water supply schemes covered >5 million people

Progressive involvement of the state through… Regulating autonomous schemes Tariff vs O&M costs Services to the poor Promoting investment in model Donors e.g. AfDB, AFD and private operators, foundations Government budgets Access to commercial finance Supporting decentralization and subsidiarity Involvement in provincial and local authorities in planning, coordination and problem solving Decentralized planning for investment State gets involved in regulation A better deal for consumers

Roles for development partners in fragile states Helping line ministries build a picture of service delivery Status and needs with regular review to establish a long route of accountability e.g. water point mapping, coordination of NGOs and firms delivering services, initiating JSRs Building capacity of local government To take an active planning, delivery and monitoring role in service delivery Strengthening the long-route of accountability through supporting voice and improving compacts between policy makers and service providers Building capacity of service providers to deliver to all Understanding and improving the short-route of accountability through supporting client power between citizens and providers e.g. countering monopolies, oligopolies and consumer knowledge