History O Founded by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, Jawad Karim O Rumor is that they were at a dinner party O YouTube went live on February 14, 2005 O The slogan “Broadcast Yourself” O Upload, View, and Share
History Continued O First video uploaded on April 23, 2005 O The fastest growing website on the web O 100 million video clips being viewed daily O 65,000 being uploaded daily O 20 million visitors each month
History Continued O Majority of videos made by ordinary people O Soon companies caught on to the idea O They now offer their services through YouTube O Digi-Key, Arctic Cat, Polaris, BBC, CNN, CBS, etc.
History Continued O Not every video is available O Some are blocked O Flagged as inappropriate O Violence/Gore, Excessive Language, Sexual Content O Create an account
Google Buys YouTube O They realized there was potential here O October 2006: announced that they will buy YouTube O It cost them $1.65 billion
Continued “They can provide a better, more comprehensive experience for the users interested in uploading, watching, and sharing videos, and it would offer new opportunities for any professional content owner to distribute their work in order to reach a vast new audience.”
From Then On O Their numbers having been growing steadily O Account members/viewers O It has become the most popular website O Businesses/ Entertainment
Creating an Account O Simple to do O Doesn’t take to long O Set-up is standard O The more you add/more you have to offer O People can subscribe to your channel O Look at old and new posts/ About me section, etc
Free vs. Paid Services O YouTube is free O You will never have to pay (Usually!) O Movies, Concerts, TV Shows, etc O Or just find another channel O Then it will be free
Marketing Benefits O A great marketing tool O Who wouldn’t use YouTube O It strengthens your reputation O No need to travel, no asking questions O Post videos of your company for free O Creating something from nothing
Examples O Digi-Key O What they do O Where their located O How fast they can deliver O How many products they sell O Why they rank so high with other top companies
Interconnectivity to Other Social Media Sites O Each video may have links O They will be clickable O In order to gain easy access O It will be under the video O Links may differ
Alternative Sites O Other sites share same interests O Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. O Google has a video icon/YouTube icon O Posts on Facebook O Tweets of links on Twitter