Politički mediji. Mediji su politički akteri  Oni ne samo što prenose poruke nego ih i interpretiraju, mijenjaju, kreiraju,  Dijalektički odnos akcije.


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Presentation transcript:

Politički mediji

Mediji su politički akteri  Oni ne samo što prenose poruke nego ih i interpretiraju, mijenjaju, kreiraju,  Dijalektički odnos akcije i reakcije,  Mediji dostupni političarima kao resurs samim tim dio politike  “Ako vas se vidi na televiziji i u novinama, tada će se za vas netko pobrinuti. Ako vas se ne vidi, tada ste mrtvi, ponekad i doslovce” (Martin Woolacott)

Mediji kao politički akteri  Prva sloboda medija, sloboda od finansijske kontrole,  Procvat štampanih i elektronskih medija,  Specifičan položaj britanskih elektronskih medija,  Važna uloga za informisanje birača – bitka za medije  Primjer glad u Etiopiji (Philo)

Kritike uloge medija  Colin Sparks: mediji forsiraju teme koje nisu od javnog interesa zbog popularnosti  Trivijalnost otupljuje sposobnost publike da racionalno promišlja  Apolitičnost trivijalnog novinarstva  Josef Gripsund: Podstiče otu đ enje, ćutnju i neparticipaciju i odvraća pažnju od onoga što je bitno (lejdi D i Luis Vudvord u Panorami)

Kritike uloge medija  John Fisk: subverzivna uloga medija  Privlačenje publike pričama koje nisu proestablišmentske, npr. afere  Proizvodnja gra đ anina koji “ne vjeruje”  Popularno novinarstvo je poštenije i relevantnije nego “kvalitetno” novinarstvo

Veze izme đ u politike i medija  Nije neuobičajeno da medij podržava odre đ enu politiku  Procenat podrške medija ne odgovara procentu podrške na izborima  Iako neka vrsta korelacije postoji, nije utvr đ ena uzročna veza  Martin Linton: nijedna partija ne može pobijediti ako iza nje ne stoji većina medija (kokoška ili jaje dilema)

Mediji i hegemonija  Politički učinci nisu samo kratkoročne promjene stavova  Pristanak onih nad kojima se vlada kao osnov demokratije  Antoni Gramši: Kako mobilisati pristanak u uslovima nejednakosti? Kako izbjeći opoziv pristanka gubitnika i nezadovoljnih?  Danijel Hallin: reći da mediji igraju hegemonističku ulogu znači reći da doprinose održanju pristanka na neki sistem moći

Proizvodnja pristanka (1988.)  Noam Chomski i Edward Herman  Propaganda is to democracy what violence is to a dictatorship.  People need to be able to detect forms of authority and coercion and challenge those that are not legitimate.  The major form of authority that needs challenging is the system of private control over public resources.  The First Amendment means that democracy requires free access to ideas and opinions.

 Democracy in America is not functioning in an ideal sense but more in the sense that Lippmann noted in Public Opinion (where a specialized class of about 20 percent of the people -- but who are also a target of propaganda -- manages democratic functioning) and, in effect, are under control of a power elite, who more or less own the institutions. The masses of people (80 percent) are marginalized, diverted and controlled by what he calls Necessary Illusions.  Manufacturing consent is related to the understanding that indoctrination is the essence of propaganda. In a "democratic" society indoctrination occurs when the techniques of control of a propaganda model are imposed -- which means imposing Necessary Illusions.

 Da bi se oslobodili gra đ ani treba da preduzmu sljedeće dvije vrste akcija:  They must seek out information from ALTERNATIVE MEDIA (media outside the mainstream and usually having a particular point of view)  they must move toward change by becoming engaged in community action -- because people can use their ordinary intelligence to make changes in their lives and communities. Grassroots movements begin there.

 "The question is whether privileged elites should dominate mass communication and should use this power as they tell us they must, namely to impose NECESSARY ILLUSIONS to manipulate and deceive [whom THEY believe are] the stupid majority and remove them from the public arena.  "The question, in brief, is whether democracy and freedom are values to be preserved or threats to be avoided. In this possibly terminal phase of human existence, democracy and freedom are more than values to be treasured; they may be essential to survival."

Propaganda model  The model seeks to explain how populations are manipulated and how consent for economic, social and political policies is "manufactured" in the public mind due to this propaganda.  The theory posits that the way in which news is structured (through advertising, media ownership, government sourcing and others) creates an inherent conflict of interest which acts as propaganda for undemocratic forces.  Filteri:  Ownership of the medium  Medium's funding sources  Sourcing  Flak (negativna reakcija)  Anti-communist ideology

Primjer  Global warming, the media gives near equal balance to people who deny climate change despite only "about one percent" of climate scientists taking this view.  There are "three sides" on climate change (deniers, those who follow the scientific consensus, and people who think that the consensus underestimates the threat from global warming), but in framing the debate the media usually ignore people who say that the scientific consensus is unduly optimistic.

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