Propaganda: An extreme form of persuasion for the purpose of getting people to do certain things or think a certain way. Propaganda appeals to emotions rather than to intellect, and many times, only one side of a situation is presented.
An appeal for others to “ join the crowd” in order to be on the “winning side”
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A famous person endorses a product, person, or idea.
6_aQ 6_aQ vMq0 vMq0 5ON4 5ON4
Presenting only the positive information and leaving out anything that may be negative.
AGa8 AGa8 F7UsA F7UsA
Emotionally appealing words or images are used to describe a product or idea, but no evidence is given to support it.
mMJ0 mMJ0 T4E T4E
The use of words that have negative connotation towards opposing products.
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The use of common, ordinary people to promote a product.
KranY KranY mCEDiR0 mCEDiR0 3uHI 3uHI
The use of gimmicks, rebates, free toys, etc. to promote and sell a product.
XdSU XdSU 9kAc 9kAc
The use of humor, something sad, repetition, and jingles etc. to get your attention and remember a product.
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Uses your feelings about one thing to get you to feel the same way about another thing. It can either use a positive image to get you to like something or a negative image to get you to not like something.