+ Gracias! Spanish Language Materials in the Elementary School Library
+ Building Demographics Enrollment of approximately 260 students 92.8% White, 2.3% Hispanic, 1.9% Asian, 2.3% Multiracial 96.60% of students Met or Exceeded state standards in 2011 Met AYP in 2011
+ Library Learning Center Collection Development Policy Policy Highlights: District will provide and maintain adequate LLC’s at each building. Provide materials that will enrich and support the curriculum, taking into consideration the varied interests, abilities and maturity levels of the students served. Responsibility for the selection of all library materials is delegated to the professional library staff through the building principal. Selection Criteria: The collection will be developed to ensure a well-balanced coverage of subjects, opinions, formats and a wide range of materials on various levels of difficulty supporting diverse interests, needs and viewpoints of the school community.
+ World Language Program Begun three years ago Focusing on Spanish Serves grades 1 – 5 in all elementary buildings Develops basics of vocabulary, sentence structure, Hispanic culture and holidays
+ FH LLC: Current Collection Titlewave Analysis: 37 books housed in the 400’s section Average age is 1997, ages range from 1991 – of the 37 books focus on Spanish and Portuguese Languages Remaining books are focused in the area of English, Old English and linguistics
+ What to Purchase? Spanish Language Books – picture and chapter books which are entirely in Spanish or that show both Spanish and English Spanish Language Books on CD – to allow the students to hear Spanish being spoken using the correct accent and dialect Curriculum Support Materials – allowing both the World Language teachers and classroom teachers to provide enrichment to students in the area of Spanish both during their World Language classes and during regular classroom time Hispanic Culture and holiday books – highlighting holidays celebrated and cultural customs followed in Hispanic countries
+ Items Purchased 8 storybooks books showing both Spanish and English text 3 books for teaching – for teacher use in enriching the curriculum, including vocabulary flash cards 1 DVD covering vocabulary pronunciation 4 books on CD so students can see the story and hear the correct pronunciation and dialect 5 books on Hispanic culture and holidays bringing Hispanic celebrations to life for students. Total spent: $ Cataloging fees will come out of library budget.