Quantitative Data Analysis I. Entrance test in Design of Quantitative Research Jiří Šafr jiri.safr(at)seznam.cz last revision UK FHS Historical sociology (2014+)
Procedure Answers write only very briefly in points to MS Word document (doc) Name file: QDA1DQRts1_Name.doc Send it to jiri.safr(AT)seznam.czjiri.safr(AT)seznam.cz In the subject state: QDA1: Entrance test in DQR; your name
1.What does it mean, when we say „the conclusions from the empirical research are probabilistic in nature“? 2.What is hypothesis? What is the principle of testing hypotheses? Describe procedure of hypothesis verification with variables X a Y. Show it in your own example. 3.What is operationalisation? Show it on example. 4.What types of variables you know? (from level of measurement point of view). 5.Under what conditions can we say that there is a causal relationship between the two variables? 6.Describe briefly the principle of stratified random sampling. 7.Operationalise variables, for survey type of research: - „education“ - „interest in politics“.