Consult21 Information is subject to change and is for discussion purposes only. Any dates/timings are the current anticipated timescales and may be subject to change. 1 Working Group Update This section provides an update on the Interconnect & Portfolio, Network Structures and Conformance testing Working Groups
Consult21 Information is subject to change and is for discussion purposes only. Any dates/timings are the current anticipated timescales and may be subject to change. 2 Network Structure Key Issues (For Discussion) Tracking Standards Work and relationship with NICC Final availability of UK Standards work for NGN Interconnection Relationship with Testing WG Discuss developing Work Plan for NGN activities including developing new planning and dimensioning rules, new O&M procedures Technical Aspects of MSAN PoH and MSAN Voice Access Key Milestones October Achievements No meetings of this group have been held to date November Workplan First Meeting Set for 5 th December Agree agenda and scope of work with co- chair Agree distribution of Actions from old WG structure Co-ordinate activities with other WGs
Consult21 Information is subject to change and is for discussion purposes only. Any dates/timings are the current anticipated timescales and may be subject to change. 3 Conformance Testing Group (For Discussion) Key Issues Establishment of WG and relationship with other WGs Work towards agreed industry methodology for NGN network inter- operability testing, taking input from IP world and BT MSF work and concept of testing a ‘CP Environment’ Key Milestones November Achievements Second meeting of Trials WG held 7 November, discussed Legacy and NGN Testing December Workplan Next Meeting of Trials WG scheduled to be held in January 2006 Acceptance to be sought from BT and Industry of proposed Conformance Testing WG and remit.
Consult21 Information is subject to change and is for discussion purposes only. Any dates/timings are the current anticipated timescales and may be subject to change. 4 Interconnect & Portfolio Working Group Key Issues BT to clarify the position and ownership of the Testing and Trials Working Group and Commercial & Contractual Working Groups BT to arrange a one day workshop on NGN Voice commercial terms Progress Multi-Service Interconnect Link and NGN Voice Transport product developments BT to confirm the scope, operation and objective of the Consultation on Monthly Minutes Tables for VIEC To develop a high level plan which identifies and tracks key NGN milestones Key Milestones October Achievements First meeting 7 November November Workplan 15 th December for next meeting (TBA) Provide Word document describing BT VIEC product description as part of closure process for this phase of pre-solution design consultation Provide Industry with Multi-Service Interconnect Link and NGN Voice Transport product descriptions Arrange two half-day work shops to discuss Multi-Service Interconnect Link and NGN Voice Transport product descriptions
Consult21 Information is subject to change and is for discussion purposes only. Any dates/timings are the current anticipated timescales and may be subject to change. 5 Migration Proposal: Consultation Update Mike Cook This section provides a brief update on the Consultation process outlined within the Migration Proposal issued by BT on 21/10/05
Consult21 Information is subject to change and is for discussion purposes only. Any dates/timings are the current anticipated timescales and may be subject to change. 6 Migration Proposal: Consultation Update Pre-Consultation: Formal responses issued to respondents (one to go) Generic “Questions and Answers” Briefing to be circulated to industry next week Consultation Change Request Forms provided to interconnect Communications Providers those who requested to receive Bi-laterals set up for 80% of participants Adjudication Board being formed – confirmation of participants & date expected next week Industry participants to be confirmed by Industry Steering Board
Consult21 Information is subject to change and is for discussion purposes only. Any dates/timings are the current anticipated timescales and may be subject to change. 7 MIGRATION PROPOSAL: CONSULTATION UPDATE CP Impact Analysis 22/0916/1207/1021/10 02/11 05/12 18/11 Migration Proposal Issued Adjudication Board sits IMWG – 16/12 Bi-laterals Today Pre- Consultation