doc.: IEEE /0074r2 Submission May 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide TG1 Introduction and Status Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /0074r2 Submission Abstract This contribution provides Task Group 1 introduction and its current status May 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide 2
doc.: IEEE /0074r2 Submission May 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide 3 Working Group Organization WG WG Chair – Steve Shellhammer WG Vice Chair – Ivan Reede WG Secretary – Mark Austin Task Group 1 TVWS Coexistence TG Chair – Tuncer Baykas TG Vice Chair – Mika Kasslin Coexistence Assurance Standing Committee Chair – Steve Shellhammer
doc.: IEEE /0074r2 Submission May 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide PAR Title: IEEE 802 … Part 19: TV White Space Coexistence Methods Scope: The standard specifies radio technology independent methods for coexistence among dissimilar or independently operated TV Band Device (TVBD) networks and dissimilar TV Band Devices. Purpose: The purpose of the standard is to enable the family of IEEE 802 Wireless Standards to most effectively use TV White Space by providing standard coexistence methods among dissimilar or independently operated TVBD networks and dissimilar TVBDs. This standard addresses coexistence for IEEE 802 networks and devices and will also be useful for non IEEE 802 networks and TVBDs.
doc.: IEEE /0074r2 Submission History May 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide 5 November 2008: The IEEE 802 executive committee approved formation of an EC Study Group on TV white space coexistence without a PAR intention. March 2009: The IEEE 802 executive committee approved formation of an Study Group on TV white space coexistence with PAR intention. December 2009: The PAR created by the Study Group is approved by the Nescom and Task Group 1 is formed. January 2010: IEEE Task Group 1 had its first meeting in Los Angeles. Group decided to work on a System Design Document and prepare its call for proposals March 2010: IEEE Task Group 1 approved system design document and call for proposals. May 2010: Contributions about coexistence methods and algorithms will be presented.
doc.: IEEE /0074r2 Submission TG1 March Meeting May 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide 6 Call for Proposals –IEEE /57r2 System Design Document –IEEE /55r3 Process Document –IEEE /29r3 Timeline Document –IEEE /56r2 WG approved a motion to investigate the possibility of holding a workshop in conjunction with July 802 plenary meeting. WG approved a motion to request a tutorial slot at the July plenary.
doc.: IEEE /0074r2 Submission May Meeting 5 Time Slots used 4 Technical contributions –Coexistence of Multiple Secondary Networks in TVWS Gabriel Villardi IEEE /72r0 –Coexistence Mechanism Chunyi Song IEEE /71r0 –Channel Classification for logical entities Hyunduk Kang IEEE /78r0 –Coexistence Reconfiguration Parameters Steve Shellhammer IEEE /77r1 Preparation of the tutorial Preparation of the workshop /802.11/ Joint Meeting May 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide 7
doc.: IEEE /0074r2 Submission Tutorial –IEEE /75r0 Duration: 1hour 15minutes + Q&A Time Introduction to TVWS in US and other countries (S.Shellhammer) –Available spectrum distribution –Protection of Primary users –Standardization activities 802, SCC41 and ECMA… Need for coexistence in TVWS (A. Reznik) –The case for coexistence between TVBD networks –Coexistence use cases –History of coexistence techniques in other bands and applicability to TVWS TG1 Requirements and System Design Document (T. Baykas) Possible solutions and different aspects of the architecture (M. Kasslin) Advertise the workshop (J. Kwak) May 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide 8
doc.: IEEE /0074r2 Submission Workshop on TV Whitespace Coexistence Workshop Agenda –IEEE /78r0 –Friday 16 July 2010, 12:30PM – 5:00PM (July meeting) –Free –Agenda Items: Call for participation Coexistence as value added service TVWS Regulatory Snapshot FCC WSdB Service Provider Update Panel of TVWS equip/services suppliers Panel of Spectrum Management suppliers Panel of TVWS pioneers Q&A and Wrap Up May 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide 9
doc.: IEEE /0074r2 Submission May 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide 10 Conference Calls –3 conference calls are planned, –Wednesday, 9 June 2010, –07:00 AM~08:00 AM Pacific Time –Wednesday, 23 June 2010, –07:00 AM~08:00AM Pacific Time –Wednesday, 30 June 2010, –07:00 AM~08:00AM Pacific Time
doc.: IEEE /0074r2 Submission Way forward Contribution: A submission on an issue relevant to the task group that may be in Powerpoint form. Contributions are expected to be submitted on issues that contributors are planning to submit as proposals later on in the draft development process. Proposal: A submission that provides a solution proposal to a clause as defined in the System Design Document. The proposal shall include a document in Microsoft Word format that contains draft normative text proposal for a clause. May 2010 Tuncer Baykas, NICTSlide Task Group formedx System Design Document completed x Call for Proposals issued x Contribution presentations with straw polls xxx x Proposal presentations xx